ll - Jićina; 12 - Keimarok; 13 - Komarno; 14 - Kraków; 15 - Liknvka; 16 - Liptovskd Sielnicn-Liptovskń Mara; 17 - Nitra; 18 - Oberleiserberg; 19 - Skalskd Nov4 Ves; 20 - Starć Hradisko; 21 - Stramberk; 22 - Trenćianske Bohuslavice; 23 - Zemplin; 24 - 2ehra.
16. Trenćianske Bohuslaviee. Selccdon of finds. 1-20, 22-25 - madę of branże; 21 - madę of iron.
17. Trenćianske Bohuslavice. Sclection of finds. 1-3, 5-14 - madę of iron; 4 - madę of bronze. Scalę: a - 5-10; b-1-4,11-14.
18. Late La Tćne settlement finds from thećiema voda ba-sin. 1-5,7-12,15,17 - Slovensky Grób; 6,13,14,16 - Chor-vatsky Grób.
19. A - distribution of humped coins. D - hoards. B - distribution of the Eravisci coins and other imitations
vo; 7 - Jićina; 8 - Krnća; 9 - Liptov skń Mara; 10 - Maić KrSteńany; 11 12 - Puchov; 13 - Slatina nad Bebi -(30 pcs); 15 - Starć Hradisko; 16 ny-Nitriansky llradok; 18 - Tren 19 - Trenćianske Teplice; 20 - Ud 1 plfn; 22 - Żywiec. Non-mapped: Oi Szent Vid, MikuAovce.
26. FoIkuftovś, district Martin. Seler: bracelet fragments, pendant, beli finger ring, coins. 1-7, 9a, 14 - mad 11,13,15,17-19 - madę of bronze; 1. 20-22 - madę of silver.
27. Folkuśovd, district Martin. Selecti-1 - belt buckie; 2, 3 - arrowheads; 4
■;ka Sielnica-Liptov-i’iaveckć Pod h radie; ivou; 14 - Smolenice - .amberk; 17-Sura-uiske Bohuslavice; Prosnć; 21 - Zcin-1 leiserberg, Velem
■ of finds. Fibulae, ■s, saddle-shapcd ■f iron; 8,9b-d, 10,
, 16 - madę of glass;
in of iron artefacts. cauldron handle;
of Roman denarii (after M. Torbagyi and E. Kolmkova). Map A: Dolny Kubin-Velky Bysterec 2x; Folkuśova; Li-kavka; Łysica; Żilina-Vranie; Źilina-Zastranie). Map B (the territory of Slovakia): Bratislava-Devin (D); Hrabu-śice; Janovce-MachaJovce; Kośeca-Nozdrovice; Kośice; Łikavka; Nimnica; Rajecka Lesna-Trstena (D); Vrab-le (D); Żilina (D?).
20. Zemplin. The protohistoric cent re of the Upper Tisza basin and the model of Carpathian centres with acro-polis and industrial extramural settlement. Circles -evidence on the Late La Tene settlement. 1 - hill fort; 2 - pottery production; 3 - metallurgy; 4 - cult place; 5 - Celto-Dacian burial mound and the Przeworsk Cul-ture graveyard.
21. Nitriansky Hradok. Plan of the Late La Tćne hill fort and a ground plan detail of the gate (after A. Toćfk).
22. Bratislava-Devin. Selection of Early Roman finds. 1-13, 15-17 - madę of bronze; 14 - madę of lead, 18 - madę of iron.
23. Cifer. Grave goods of the Germanie warrior.
24. The Puchov Cul turę boarder lines. Territorial extent in the La Tćne period (dotted linę) and in the Early Roman Period (dashed linę).
25. A-large bronze fibulae of the Middle La Tćne construc-tion. 1 - Dolny Kubin-Vellcy Bysterec; 2-5 - Liptovski Sielnica I.iptovska Mara 1,111, IV, VII; 6-Jalovec; 7- Jś-novce Macha lovce; 8 - Vyśny Kubin. B - distribution of the Middle La Tćne construction fibulae with a long spring, northem part of the Middle Danube region. Smali circles: 1-3 pieces, large circles: 4 and morę pie-ces, blank circles: madę of bronze, filled circles: madę of iron. 1 - Bole$ov; 2 - Bofitov; 3 - Bratislava-Devin; I i Dolnć Vestenice; 5 - Chocholnó-Velćice; 6 - Jaseno-
5,9,10,12 - kni ves; 6 - tongs; 7 - key; 8,11- harvest kni-ves; 13 - sickle; 14 - anvil; 15,19,20 - hoes; 16,17 - plough-shares; 18 - chisel. 1 - madę of iron and bronze, the rest is madę of iron. Scalę: a -16; the rest scalę b.
28. A - distribution of astragal-shaped fibulae and related
variants in the Carpathian Basin. c ircle: astragal-shaped fibulae, triangle: fibulae of tli.- Slovenske Pravno-type. Large dot: Jdnovce-Maclv 1 . B - distribution
of the so-called lyre-shaped bu. s (after A. Rustiou, supplemented).
29. Young La Tene production and t -:ntres of the pha-
se D2 and their hinterland. a da, regional centres and Celtic settlements; b - . . regional centres
and Celto-Dacian settlements; c ces, regional centres and the Puchov Culture settlei ts; d - trade settle
ments. 1 - Brat islava; 2 - Bratislav ijevin; 3 - Ostrihom; 4 - Folku§ova; 5 - Hrabuśice; 6 - Chorvatsky Grób; 7 - Ja-novce-Machalovce; 8 - Jićina; 9 - Kośeca-Nozdrovice; 10 - Kraków; 11 - Liptovska Sielnica-Liptovska Mara; 12 - Nitra; 13 - Skalska Nova Ves; 14 - Surany-Nitriansky Hrśdok; 15 - Zemplin; 16 - Żehra.
30. Puchov Culture hill forts with the evidence of destruc-tion horizon at the beginning of the Roman period. Filled circles: fortifications with coin hoards. 1 - Divinka; 2 - Dolny Kubfn-Velky Bysterec; 3 - Folkuśovó; 4 - Hron-ska Dubrava; 5 - Hvozdnica; 6 - Jasenica; 7 - Likavka; 8 - Lipt ovska Sielnica-Liptovska Mara; 9 - Niinś; 10 - Pod -turefi; 11 - Puchov; 12 - Rajeckć Teplice; 13 - Skałka nad V6hom; 14 - Żehra; 15 - Żilina-Vranie. Territorial extent of the Puchov Culture in the La Tene period (dotted linę) and in the Early Roman Period (dashed linę).
31. Nitra-Sindolka. Plan of the settlement. Darker struć-tures: the youngest settlement phase.
32. jaaenica and » a. Puchov Culture settlement unit
consistlng of i- ed settlement with a smali hill fort (B) and a refu#- ■ e (A) built on a former Hallstatt pe
riod hill fort. 1 foardfl.
33. Koścca-Nozdr .e. Selection of fibulae.
34. Trenćianske B .lavice. Plan of the oppidum.
35. Liptovskń Ma: .cttlement agglomeration.
36. Lłptov region : hov Culture settlement in the older (A) and young / ' B) phaae. 1 - Hrboltovś; 2 - Jalovec;
3 - Kalameny; 4 Kvaćany; 5 - Łazisko; 6 - Likavka; 7 - Liptovska Sielnica-Liptovski Mara; 8 - Liptovska Stiavnica; 9 - Liptovskć Matiaśovce; 10 - Liptovsky Jśn; 11 - Liptovsky Mikulśś-Plośtin; 12 - Liskova; 13 - Ludro-vś; 14 - Podtureń; 15 - Pr osiek; 16 - Ruiomberok (Na ska-lśch); 17 - Smrećany; 18 - Turik.
37. Middle Vśh region in the Young La Tene period (phases C a Dl). A - hill forts and hilkop settlements; B - sites with coin hoards. Large cirde - oppidum (Trenćianske Bohuslavic- . i - Cachtice (castle hill); 2 - Cierna Lehota (Hradok, - *« ■ m); 3 - Dolne Vestenice (Zavinićie, 288 m);
4 - Homo * nie (Ostry vrch, 485 m); 5 - Home Vesteni-ce (Drah\ ~0 m); 6 - Hubina (Hradisko); 7 - Chochoł ni--Velcice a hora); 8 - Ilava-Iliavka, (Vlćinec, 681 m); 9 - Koś Miozdnwice (Hradisko, 377 m); 10 - Krivo-klat (Dr . a, 626 m); 11 - Maić Krśteóany (Hradisko); 12-Mor jy (Marhat,748 m); 13- Moteśice(Hradiśfo); 14 - Niti ;ke Rudno (Predny Rokoś, 811 m); 15 - Nova Lehota nichova rola, 430 m); 16 - Pażif (Chlmok, 432 m); 17 Podhradie (Uhrad, 685 m); 18 - Praśnik (Tlsta hora, 425 m); 19 - Se lec (Hradisko, 732 m); 20 - Skałka nad Vahom (Chochel, 307 m); 21 - Slatina nad Bebravou (Udri-na, 652 m); 22 - Stara Lehota (Hradova); 23 - Trenćianske Bohuslavice (Malovecke, 303 m); 24 - Trenćianske Mitice, (Pod Ostrym vrchom); 25 - Trenćianske Teplice (Certova skala, 397 m); 26 - Trenćin (castle hill); 27 - Yelky Kolaćin (Markovica, 592 m); 28 - Zemianske Podhradie (Hradiś-tia, 507 m); 29 - Zemianske Podhradie (Martśkova skala); 30 - Dolna Suća (Krasin, 516 m); 31 - MikuSovce(Skalice).
38. Middle Vah region at the end of the La Tene period and at the beginning of the Roman period (phases D2 a Bla). 1 - Mikuśovce (Skalice); 2 - Kośeca-Nozdro-vice (Hradisko, 377 m); 3 - Skałka nad Vihom (Chochel, 307 m); 4 - Trenćianske Bohuslavice (Maloveckć,303 m);
5 - Velky Kolaćin (Markovica,592 m).
39. Liptovska Mara 11 - settlement dated to the Oki and Middle La Tćne period. Wooden components and joints.
40. Fastening components (nails, rivets, joiner’s dogs). 1,6- Playeckć Podhradie; 2,3,5,7,8,12-14,16,20-22 - Trenćianske Bohuslavice; 4,10,11,15,17- Trenćianske Teplice;
9 - LiptovBki Sielnica-Liptovsk4 Mara I; 18,19,23 - Brati-slava-Devin.AU is madę of iron.
41. Lock paru and keys. 1,9 - Liptoyskś Slelnica-Liptov-ska Mara I; 2 - Slatina; 3,7,10,11 - Plaveckć Podhradie;
4 - Folkuśova; 5,6 - Trenćianske Bohuslavice; 8 -Liptowski Siclnica-Liptovska Mara II; 12,13 - reconstructions of lodu (after O.Jacobi and N. M.Schutz).
42. Bratislava-Devin. A - hut kom the village Devin.
B - workshop on the Southern slope of the castle hilL
43. Liptovski Mara VII. Two-room house from the O Id La Tene period and its reconstructkm.
44. Liptowski Mara vn. House with an interior.Old La^Tene period.
45.1 azisko.Two-room house dated to the Early Iron Age.
46. Spiislce Tomaśovce-Ćingov. Ground plan of a building with six-pole construction.
47. Hradec, district Prievidza. Ground plans of buildings.
48. liptowski Mara vn.Granary and its reconstructkm.
49. Types of fencing documented during the archaeo-logical ezcawadon at Liptowski Mara.
50. Liptowska Mara ILDome-shaped construction fbrdrying madę ofwidcer and day.Oldest settlement horizon(B2a).
5L slatina nad Bebravou, Udrina. Middle La Tene period hill fort.
52. Liptowski Mara I-Hawrinok. General plan.
53. Trenćianske Teplice, hill fort ćertowa skala.
54. Kvaćany-Hradkowi. Smali Puchów hill fort (1) with a route (2) eonnecting the fortification with a terraced settlement (3).
55. Kvaćany. A. Hill fort plan. B. Digital reconstruction of the hill fort.
56. Hronska Dubrava. 3D model of the smali hill fort.
57. Podtureń - generał plan.
58. Ram part types and variants. l - timber- laced construction, 2 - chamber construction, 3 - Ehrang type (variant of murus gallicus without iron spikes), 4 - Awaricum type - murus gallicus, 5 - two parallel rows of timbers joint by coffering, 6 - Altkonig/Preist type with two rows of timbers with stone wall-facing and reinforced transwerse timberwork, 7 - Hod Hill type (a wariant on type 5), 8 - Kehlheim type, 9 - Mixed type of a vertical and horizontal arrangement (after F. Audouze/O. Biich-senschutz), 10 - double palisadę, 11 - dry stone ram part.
59. Liptovski Mara 1 - Havranok. Reconstruction of the gate leading to the sacrificial place.
60. Liptovski Mara I - Havrinok. Reconstruction of the gate leading to the sacrificial place.