73683 stronaD (4)

73683 stronaD (4)


2    We often get ten

3    She puts loog

4    I drink a carton

5    We need a can of

6    He takes a box

6 a Put the letters in the correct order to write the food words.

1 Match the sentence halves.

i I usually buy a->. a tuna for this recipe.

of chocotates to his girlfriend every Saturday. of milk every day. pizza on Friday evening. bags of crisps at the supermarket, of cheese in the omelette.

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

How much/^any)oranges do you eat?

1    How much/many students come to your lesson?

2    She drinks three litres of waters/waterevery day.

3    Let’s have 2/2kg of those nice brown eggs for breakfast.

4    How much/many money do you have in your pocket?

5    How many/much sugar do you eat every week?

3 Amanda phones her husband, but he doesn’t answer. Complete her message with a, some or any.

Hello john. Oh, no, it’s a message. He isn’t there. Mmm. John, please listen to this message. Can you go to the shops and get some things for

dinner? We need (1)_fish, and (2)_

box of eggs. Mmm, I think we have (3)_

potatoes, but we don’t have (4) ____ onions.

Do we have (5)_carrots? Can you check?

Please buy (6)_cheese, and Pd like

(7)_carton of orange juice. That’s it. Oh

... we don’t have (8)_butter - can you get

some? Thanks. See you later.

4 Replace the words in brackets () with the correct pronouns and rewrite the sentences.

(Mr Bosgrove) takes (my friend and me) to work in his car.

He takes us to work in his car.

1    (My mother and I) go shopping with (Julia and Carla) every Saturday.

2    (My sister) gets up before (my brother and me).

3    (David and Serena) don’t take (the children) on holiday.

4    (My uncle) uses (the Computer) every day.

5    (My friend and I) have lunch with (Maria) every Tuesday.

Complete the dialogue with the correct pronouns.

A: Hello, Mrs Lovett. How are you ?

B: Oh, hello Sonia. (1)_’m fine thanks.

A: How’s your husband?

B: (2)_’s fine. He works in the supermarket


A: Yes, I know. I see (3)_when I do my

shopping. And how are the twins, Jake and Jerry?

B: Oh, (4)_are very well.

A: Do they go to school on the bus?

B: No. I take (5)_with (6)_in the car

every morning.

A: Who is their teacher?

B: lt’s Mrs Moore. Do you know (7)_?

A: Yes, I do. (8)_lives in our Street. She

always says ‘Hello’ to (9)_.


m avonnoise

1 ntau


2 errbug


3 eabrd


4 onermwalte


5 otmotsea


6 ckechin


7 ilmk


8 apzzi


9 crie


t> Cirde the odd-one-out. coffee tea yflce) water

1    beef chicken trout lamb

2    apple fries tomato carrot

3    butter ice cream milk sugar

4    sandwich coffee tea water


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