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The spread of the attainments of the Bronze Age reached its majrimuro dunng the i Hallstatt period in the zonę of Central Europę. This resułted tn the intensive expansaon of radon of scttlemcnt in certain zones, the establishing of fortified settlements) on the one band, ind on the other. a demographic mcerease resuiting from greater economic

J.Demoprapłńc. At the decline of the Bronze Age and in the older phases of the Hallstatt period the territory of Pomerania (the region of the lower Oder) ware intensively settled. In the younger phases of the Hallstatt period (HaD) settlement gradually decłined. In the cniera region, however (Eastem Pomerania), and in the lakę district belt. te. in the less mt*ns»vely settled paru. settlement largely inereased towards the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Hallstatt period. At the beginning of the La Tfcne period (La A La B) the settling proces# in the whole Pomeranian area distinctly decreased, which was deodtdly evdent in Western Pomerania and less evident in Eastem Pomerania. Having at oor disposal estimations conceming the density of settling in individual. well-analysed Kttiemcnt macro-regions, we also attepted to establish the number of inhabitans conuined in one settlement complex. On the basis of assessed calculations at has been assumed that the group of people connected with one settlement complex counted: younger phases ofin the Bronze Age about 120 persona, in the Hallstatt period about 320. and in the early La T&ne period about 40 persons. Tłus attempt at outlining the changes ■ the number of inhabitanU shows only possibility and expediency of the introductaon of demographic analyses to studies economic transformations even w hen    as in our case

we have at our disposal only sparse source Information. Such altempts would open new Penpectiyes deserving eonaiderotion.


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