assembler€86ˆ 9

assembler€86ˆ 9



>aragraf 59 jaragraph 71 sarity flag 17 jarse file namc 248 pause 207

Personal System 2 30 polling 190 POP 90

pop flags off stack 96 pop word off stack 90 POPA 169 POPF 96 prefetch 13 present 36 print character 245 PROC 53, 186 program headder 210 program management 243 program segment prefix 210 piogrammabte interrupt controler 191 protccted modÄ™ 37 protected modÄ™ enable 32 protected virtual address modÄ™ 31 PSP 210 PTR76

PUBLIC 48,56. 187 PU RGB 55,176 PUSH 89.169 push flags onto stack 96 push word onto stack 89 PUSHA 169 PUSHF%


r/m 83

random bÅ‚ock read 247 random bÅ‚ock write 247 random read single record 247 random write single record 247 RCL 134, 169 RCR 135. 169 read 12

read from file or device 249 read keyboard 246 read keyboard and echo 245 real address modÄ™ 31 real modÄ™ 37 RECORD 62 register/memoiy modÄ™ 82 remove a dircctory entry 249 rename file 247 REP 142 REPE143    '

repeat stringoperation 142 repcat stringoperation ifequal/zero 143 repeat stringoperation if not equal/not zero 144

REPNE 144 REPNZ 144 REPT172 RF.PZ 143

reset disk flush buffers 246 RET 150, 184

retrieve the return codÄ™ of a child 251

return country dependent Information 248

return from procedurÄ™ 150

return text of current dircctory 250

ROL 130. 169

ROR 132. 169

rotate left byłe orword 130

rotate right bytc or word 132

rotate through cariy left byte or word 134

rotate through carry right bytc or word 135


SAHF96 SAL 169 SAR 129,169 SBB 106

scan byte orword string 141

SC AS 141



scarch for next entry 246

SEG 70, 71

segment 77

segment descriptor 36

segment ovcrride prcfix 83

scgment-prefix>byte 43

select disk 246

selector register 32

sequential read 247

scquential wTite 247

set carry flag 164

set datÄ™ 248

set direction flag 165

set disk transfer address 247

set interrupt enable flag 166

set interrupt vector 247

set relative record 247

set time 248

set/reset vcrify flag 248

SGDT 170

SHIFT 63, 78

shift arithmetic right byte orword 129

shift logical right byte orword 127

shift logical/arilhmctic left byte orword 125

SHL74, 169


SHORT 70, 75

SHR 74, 127, 169

SIDT 170

sign flag 17


single step interrupt 19 S17.F 70. 73 SLDT 170 SMSW 170

source index register 15

space 40


stack pointer 15

stack segment register 15

STC 164


step through adirectory matching files 251

Sm 166

storÄ™ AH register in flags %

storc byte orword string 140

STOS 140



STR 170

STRUĆ 49 *


subtract byte orword 104

subtract byte orword with borrow 106


suppress false conditionals 69 supress ALL 68 system calls 243 system management 243


task register 32 task switch 32 teach modÄ™ 229 terminate a process 251 terminate address 244 TEST 123 test or logical comparc bytc or word 123 TF 192 THIS77 TITLE 67

toggle false conditionals 68 translate byte 92 trap flag 17 TYPE 70. 72 type-ahead buffer 246


upper bank 20 V

VERR 170 VERW 170 virtuaI-86 modÄ™ 38


wArr 167

wait for TEST pin active 167 WIDTH 63, 78 WORD 46 w rap around 16 write 12

write to a file or device 249 X

XCHG 91 XLAT92 XLATB 92 XOR 74.122


zero flag 17


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