15414 jow08 03

15414 jow08 03

M>allac that thoaa r***i«~: ar* “.ot uaaatural. Iht>y aro not the ererlnts of a dlnorucrad or ćobaaad aind, not ttntll tbny *nalavo you or rob you of your witał i ty.

You horo to oxpoct tho js dtolros. Iha thlng to do la to rirht tlws Pr on a na tur a 1 angle.

Łccrciso wigoroualy and ocasanre that aur lus anoror wlthln yoursol f.

Itrn lt lato suacloa of atool and organie powcr.

1 f you ara troublad *lth Moioal los sos, ~a'co a pra-tloa of bathlrr your loins -'lth :old im?'-r boforo rotlrlng. Cul icru-.ł o: highly ce-.aor.ed fooda and swata*

Ocoupy your aind wtth worthwhilo thlnga. kead aad atudy.

You havo your futuro to look forward to. Tou do not want to noel nar ital Ufa eto rila, dewold of your aanhood.

Plfuro out the yeor« of happinoaa you ara go Lar to hawa In that anug llttla noolt with your wife and ohildren.

The curaa of loot aanhood deacenda upcn thalr Innocent hoada#

perpetuate your hoolthy body lato the noxt gonaration.

A boalthy, phyaloally flt body nrrar dlaa. It llwea on and on fi*ca ono gonoratLor. ta anothor. jiww tc your ohlldron that Ańaulc ooncoptlan of ibo F*»rftot taui.

Hcaeaber, our body diee, but tho gem that c*ve lt llfti nawał* dooa.

Tho protoroa that aorrjciwod you coneeiwoa another, but it La up to you whothor ycu ara rolng to saka it nora wtrlle or not.

W o Id aoorot oonweraationa. Thcy ara navn r clean. Don*t taka ir.to your bo ad onything you aro afrald to woloe with your nouth abcwa a whlaper.

BZHCttE* Oat buay. Put forward your ajiorgy to aha pa your rousołoo into thoao sanly haroic curvaa and llnoa that aro tha p*ido ®* tha strwnnth lewar.

Ba tha indcaltable nan. Tho lnwlrjelMe aan. Tha mar. that ls tho c«r**ln of hi a fata* 5ha pa your gutolos la tha right groowe and you will auraly o ha po your doatl&y for aueaaaa.

Baforo ! ciota thla llttla talk I want to aay that In aoaa placet at tha and of aa aserelso I my negloet to larom you that aftar you harc raaohad tha linii of repotitions, you mat oomroonoe ovor a-aln wlth tha ori-lnal oount, but add nora woight. X ho?a thla will ba fUlly underatoou that you ruat do thia ln ar«ry instan00, azcapt whero I lnfora you to do othorwlse, or not to bo too hnaty ln oddlng poundage.

X srani you to thlnk for yoursclf cnca ln a uhllo, and aot to ral7 on no for avory slnor dolali wtion I hawo oaplr.lnad tho ©aso-.oo. I dld lnforn you aorlier to alwayc oarry out tha just-raantioned pra^r *», but I thought lf ycu *aw an mlaaion you nlght think you ha-i to cnrerlook » oouuda-o incrcaao. Thero will bo a tlse whon that ordor will bo chaagod* Whon lt oorws, X will tell you junt uhat io do.

3o lon till noxt waolc.

ZL-OTJ    /WrlUly yt'urt,

/ /GióćZ'

/ /



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