25743 TME3

25743 TME3

Doctor Octopus

Masłermind of medianieal metiace

Otto was the son ofTorbcrt and Mary Lavinia Octavius. He was a shy bookworm, but his father. a construction worker, belieued that a man was measured by his brute strength. Mary Lavinia wanted Otto to rely on his brains. and w hen his father was killcd in a construction accident, she com inced herself that an carly

c grave was tłie destiny ot all manuał laborers.

HEICHT 5 ft 9 m WEtCHT 245 H3* EYES Brown

Dr. Octopus

Dcc Ock can im h* wt*:** tnulttrwaaty. w4h on» fwfornung a    acbon


Arr^zng Sę*óvMm *3 (Juty 1969;

Mental conlrol cwor kwr «fcc?ricaly powwwd. ft-ft long prelwnwte. ttar**r i*(*d

•srtócte* mat can Woicopo » 24 ft in hmgJh and W 3 lons.


Otto bccame a scicntKt spcculizing »n nuclcar rewjrrh and inventcd a met hatmal liarness that allowed him to perform dangerous cxpenments at a distance.

Hc also began dating Mary Alice Anders. a felloss researcher. and evcn asked lier to nim\ hnn Belieeing that no w oman ssas good enough for her son. Ottos mother toreed inni to break, ort tlie engagement. Shortly afterwards she died ofa hcart attack while arguing witli her von ovor Mary Alice. Lost in a pmate \sorki ofgncfand guilt.Otto cuusetł a laboratory acctdem: lie was bombarded with radiation and his inesluiiKal arins somehow tuscd w itli his body


Alter tlus accidem, Doctor


jomod pmoors that oan fo«o 300 J*r**yt and gr*j w.tti a lc*c» crf 170 Im par sq n

( \ topos was nusdiagm>sed    p® ••cond*** Ł*]*e'** **

ith bram danuge. In realits    __________________

his superior inteUcct was

busily crcating new neuro-pathways alknymg him to mentaliy control his metal tentaclcs. Hc can now psionitally comrol theni c\en when they have bccn compłctely separated trorn hnn.

Doctor CVtopus. also known as tl»e Master Planner aml Master Programmer. tirst fought and was dcfcated b\ Spil»ER-Man shorth alter he betainę a protessional criminal Somctimcs as a memlser ot"the Simstir Si\. sometinics on his own he lus sim ę battlcd heroes sush as Darii>łvil, Capiain Asim.ii a and the Fantastk Focr; howeeer Doc Ocks oserridmg sbsession is to destan- the dusisz web-swinger. td



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