27441 Obraz12

27441 Obraz12



Press bulion lwice. The CftapUy Show* BASS

(If nstaled m the car model 129. press bulion once)

Bass tones arc boosled by turmng Ihe vo'umo conlrol knob to the dghl. reduced by tumng K to Ihe Ml

To_bring bass lones to the» midrange settmg. sol Ihe valuo to


w BASS + 1.





Press button three limes. The display shows TREB (If łnstalled in Ihe car model 129. press button tnice).


Treble tones are boostod by tuming the volunto conirol knob to Ihe righL reduced by tuming it to ihe lefl

To brfng treble tones to iheśr midrange settng. set the vaiuo




Press button four hmes. The display shows BAL

(If instalfed in the car model 129. press bulion three limes).

To Shift sound balance to the rioht speekers. tum Ihe vołume conirol knob to the ngN To shm balance to the loft speaker*, tum ihe wołume conirol knob to ihe loft.

BAL 2 m

Balance can be set to Ihe mto-posibon by setting ihe vaiuo to 0‘.




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