32357 mb 27
■ilicn inliale to tlie ful fest pa tent. Reycat tiiis threo or four tiincs aur] then begin. If this deep breathing riakos }'ou a little dizzy the tirst fcw days, it shows ihat you need tlio exoreise very much. The dizziness is to be overeome simply by persistence. Tako deep breatlis just up to the point where you begin to feel dizzy and tlien stop. Tt will not be many days before you can do all tlie deep breathing that you want to without feeling dizzy.
TIaving done the preliminary deep breathing tako n deep breath and hołd it wliile yon do the first exer-cise. which eonsists of eontracting the fingers ot the lnmd for three seconds. Tlien let the breath go, and also let the fingers relax; take another deep breath and contraet the liand museles again. Repeat this ten limes. The whole esercise ouglit to lakę one minuto. Then with the right liand, squeeze the museles of the left arin froin the wrist to tlie elbow tjuiekly ; with the left liand similarly treat tlie right arm. Then slap the left arm from the wrist to the elhow. Folio w this with similar (reatment of the right. (Sec cuts 10 and 11.)
Ton are now ready for the seeond exercise, which
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