29426 skanuj0006 (36)

29426 skanuj0006 (36)

aspiration is manifested in the devocing of /l,w,r,j/ (please, pray, try).

Preceding a vowel in an unaccented syllable and finaliy, such aspiration as may occur is relatively weak (/p/ in polite, lip).

Where plosive follows /s/ within the same syllable the dsitincition betwean /p,t,k/ on the one hand are /b,d,g/ on the other is neutralized.

After /s/ there is no aspiration (spin stop)

The Syllable

My be defined both phonetically and phonologically.

Phonetically (way we produce them and they way they sound), syllables Are usuaily described as consisting of a centre which has little or no obstruction And which sounds comparatively loud. Minimum syllable would be A single vowel in isolation (a: o: 3:). These are preceded and followed By silence. Some syllables have an onset (ki:, ba:), may have no onset but coda (0:t, i.z), some have both (rAn, saet)

Phonological point of view is bit different. Combination off different Phonemes must be taken under consideration. First is to to look at what occurs At the beginning of the first word when we start to speak after a pause.

Word can start with a vowel or 1,2,3, consonants. We can ałso look how Word ends when it is the last one spoken before the pause. lt can end with A vowel 1,2,3,4 consonants.

The structure: When the first sullable of the word in question begins with a vowel \

We say that this initial syllable has 0 onset. If begins with a consonant, initial Consonant may be any phoneme expect rj 3. When we have 2 or morę consonant^

We cali them consonant cluster. Initial 2-consonant clusters are of 2 sorts.

One is composed of S followed by one of a smali set of consonants (stiq, smeok) | This S is called pre-initial, the other consonants are intial. The other sort begins With one of a set of about 15 consonants, followed by one of the set l,w,r,j (piel, trał) We cali the first consonant the initial and the second the post-initiai.

3-consonant clusters (split, stri:m, skwea). The S is the pre-initial,

P,t,k, are initial, l,r,w, are post-initial.    \

If there is no finał consonant we say that there is 0 coda. When 1 consonant occurś' -finał consonant. Any consonant may be finał expect h,r,w,j. The are 2 sotrs of 2-consonants clusters, one begin a finał consonant preceded by a pre-final and Other a finał consonant followed by a post-final consonant.

Pre-final consonants are: m,n,l,s,o, (bAmp, bent, baeok)

Post-final consonants are: s,z,t,d,0 (eit0, bedz, baekt).


When difference between

2 vowels become blurred.


/slti/ no lenght symbol,

/tu:/ or /to 0 pa:ti/

Neutralization of /i:/ - /I/ and /u:/ - /u/

Is always found in unstressed syllables.

It is most common at the ends of words/morphemes.

If there is a following consonant it must belong To a different morpheme.


When the pronunciation of few words Became the same (more/moor mo: / mO0)

The only words that use the /U9/ diphthong are those


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