:usclc nrowth.
Tho toof ncar ozorciooo that you molY* thio wek aro a continuatłon of the raiaolo cor.traoticn noveror.ta that you goi. laat wek. Thone four you «111 ęraetlco In uddiilon to thoae you aro f.lroady dcing trlth t3xo ozcentlon of tho four that I vrłll ollnlnato. Aftor you horo practiood Wio-i for ono wek ycur cntlro tralnlr : prograa will bo ohanged. You will ooaroncc to folIow a ayatc.- of body bullding eoreriag tho ozorcieco that I tebw aro thn boet for you poroona iły.
2n tho firsi plaoc, you vrill cos-»nco your Aćronced Courte by euttlng out the esaot nuabor of ropetltlona er ezorolco citirely. bc not thlnk thle te etrango# li 1 z thO natur:'i tbin.; to do. U tj>© ei biatlon.
TTłutt a poraon ta.'.o a up r-by a toni culturo lt '.a '.ecooaary to tell hlm ozaotly what to do. X** 1 did not do thls nony pupila would bo ninnlng ««#:’ flth thcnaolros ar lt mro. Hnthualan . would gol tho bottor of the- and they wet; Id not or.ly bo prac-tlolr- tho 3Ar*y ropetttlor.a for e-ch sserelaó, but tho;.* woulJ Odfcer to czorclooa that a t ulod to ther. ro»t. Th* roeulta wpuld bo of r.o raluo.
X fln.-2 that aftor a pupil ha a boaa julded for throc uontha hc !ioa aeąulrod aa undoretandlng that nilowa hln to judgo oortain opadł tlona for hinaolf. tor la-»*Anco# you trculd not bolicrro anerther -o raca kńow beltor tłun ;•©« how rtuoh fbo«l you ahould oat at orery noal. You łcuote boat. Sor.o days whea you harc workod harder, your ap^tito bocoooa rnror.ous and to appoaeo lt, you oat qulto a lot aoro thon or-dinarily. Your body roijulroa lt, ao you -iro lt.
You met alwaya rewewbor ono thlng. Orgrjileu oannot eupply. Xt eonauma. -Iffort fOoda oq tła»u©, ocmBO^Jontly lt atar.fli to rea a on if -cur dny»s labor haa boor. ior^. arduauo tkną ordlnarily, thorc wił] Jia-r- tako u płaco a rror.tor cor.stcptlon of c-.iorgy. I;: ordor to toplnco you ruat ooal Up trith ->lunty of rubsiactinl food. That :j. a’ out tho :nvy yeu hs.ro to figuro up ropotitlon* ngainst oror-lao.
YHoro will b. diya uhon ;*ou i/łll focl oWfr ilrad. On the nlght of auoh a day you would bc fbollsh to forc*. ycur tdrorolaoa to thu llnlt of tho ropotłtiona you hara bccr. ; laar.l:. . Tf you Inaiat, i>.cm you rorco your nuaoloo inćo tho third ntato of tlrodnooc, ri-.ich lo ochnuatlon.
JUat os you sIIoj: your stoaaoh bo bc your ńlot-itl: gutdo you soict ollaw your gonorr.1 eonditian to bo your y-ysic.-.i guido. On tho oihcr Juuul, thls statuaMt le not ui eseuse for lnolr.uaJuat btctieo you nay not fbcl llko czorolalng mxch ono nljht ie no rosjon why yo’J eheuld out .orni, not ur.Ioa.-. you hnvo doac a rery hord day* a irork end aotuaily tbol tired out*
\a y*-u h&w ivvya that brlng you horw tlrol, yox >rill alao haro plonty of d.^*.*a that brlnę you hoo>. .On that aight you will bu ablo io
go boyond tl» llttlt you hr.ro booj. ru,*ularly prac tło Ir. > Thon ie the tlr» for you to rak© up ftsr tho othar nighte. You will bo nblo to thrmi conei.‘urąbie effort into the tralnlng and will got wenderfttl rosulta. Sorotlrc-e you **111 buap up r.rilnut on ozorolco that you pooitirely will not lihc. If you eon aubatltute nnothor >jct aa good thit you llkc bot tor, the rlght thin;. lo to do ao.