Durla^; tho flrst Pw *»»la of tralnin** with ae your er. tire lytton goes through varioua stagos of oonecralon. Th® interna! ofgnns nuat b« toned gradually. Great ertoeraal strecgth with lastIng endurance eaa only bo bullt on tho rock of inbernnl powor*
Don»t forf,ot thlo. Don*t let your enthualnan run nway with yo•>,
Reaenfeori Your orrana, li ko cortaln ausole fibro* Ir your body, cannot bo forood* To attempt to do *o io to run torioua rlaka and atop your progres*.
Tho food quostioc ha® co:a* to bo reeognliod as one of tho nost laportant of huaan problem*, for two roaaona nutolyt
1« »)at bodiiy ailannts .-ny be traeod to orrora in diet*
2* Corroot oatlng help* thc ritnl orrana to show gro*tor actirity and onorgy thoroby ęi-rtng a brlghtor oye and a hoalthior tlnt to tho skin*
TMa healthful influence carries ito offoot to tho mscular orranien whioh be o one s an irsportar.t stimlant to ausel* 'mwth*
The husas body la just lik* a -wohine and noeda tho aaas Łhings fbr koeplng it in ordor,—flid to taake it go, buildir-g mtrrlal for repnirs and luhrieanta to koep tho earioua part* of tho nechinery moriag without frlotlcn.
In fhet, tho roason why ewscular frowth la rotardod by siany body oulturist* is bocauso tną organa do not reeeive tho correct nutritlon or, ln other words, fhel for thc -anculnr systea.
!bod i a taken lnto the stosach, dlgeeted, and then drawn into the blood strona* Ho* thi* i* oarrlod out by natur* will provo of intersat to you.
Tho • ln*j*^ of the stoaach arol the bowels all-^w the sost nu tri tire part of our I***, euch aa the rugar nolecułe* and the littls partlole* of fat, to past through łi’to tha blood etieen ln auch tho souas tuner aa wn'er will pasa through blotting ft »nr.
ITioa^ prj*iclo* er.ter the little blood Taaaela whieh aro nuserous on the othor •Ido of the auabrano*. and are so tran afer rod into the naia blooJ etrean wtiich is teraed the atrean of lin*.
ftood is absorbed into the blood streae quickly*
Tho reason ls that the sito of the aboorbinr :vrfac*» is so largo. Acbially, the llning rumb rance oi* the atomach and of tho tmll rnd Jurgo ł-m 1 havo ar. i-oa of about twenty aąuare fbet—moro than the aro* of v-t .*«» ojtr Ido v >e iply*
The stosach is your co*ling st&tlon*
A* azplainsd, the food nutrlaont ls carried to tho rtrlrus port® of the body vin the blood strean, and distributed to tho part* of tho body that roęolr* tho fot i :x>st* 1-3