36336 IMG035

36336 IMG035


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| Authentic materiał is written or spoken language v/hich has been produced foa natiwe spnakers rather than for foirefgn language learners . Typical exampies include newspaper articles , tourist Information leaflets , radio programmes or ’reaf Hfe' conversations,

There is one generał benefit of using authentic materiafs as teaching to dis - they are much motivating and interesting for a!ł groups of students ( no matter the age ) . They can be usad to practice all language skills .


Availability : a teaching tool lias no vaiue ii it is not avaiiabłe. In the absence of other teaching materiais the newspapers are the most readify availabie English language teaching tool. They can be easily multicopied for all students .

• Affordabiłity : newspapers are cheap , so both students and teachers can afford to buy them , quite unlike books , which tend to be prohibitely expensive .

* Relevance: learning materiafs are morę motiuating , reievant and interesting if they are structured withinn authentic <jnvfroment of the iearner.


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