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secured in tliis way; but to gol the biggesl develop-meut in the most rapicl way, the muscles shonld be eontraclcd to the fuli e.vtenl of Iheir ahiliti/ cvery time. A few eon traci ions tliat aro just as strong as a man can make, will count morę in tlie dcYclopmeńt of size and also of strength tlian a very largo nmnbcr of contractions of a moderate ki ml. Ereiyonc uses his hands a great deal, and yet the forearm docs not grow largo and strong. The reason is tliat a great dcal of long eontinued moderate nsc does not rlerelop the muscles as much in size as a few esereises of tlie intensc kind.

] t. is a com.roon osporionec for pcople worldng nil the winter in a gynmasium, ‘ working faithfully for an hour three times a week, to expeet they will have inereascd their mcasurements vcry much; they aro frequently disappointed-to lincl tliat their ineasnrc-ments have remained about the same. It is tnie, the muscles are harder than they were bęfore, they sleep and digest their food hetter than beforc, but they liad expected a big gain in size of tlie arnis, cliest aifd- body muscles. Tlie trouble in all these cases is tliat they do not take tlie kind of cxerci.se that is adopted to


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