

l^oi*m-;A-.Lir\es Two Puppics    Puppy Kit

Tb«* puiirtn «kuih shMM N uw«J *1    om *>th ihr    jK*<»nsmi

iMUtCWm cł. tbe buk Ci 6i» boikltt.

'Orf *! — * rr<ini bunę tbe nrottc boa tbc bxk ef ile •otc tbr<*«xH to rhe 'U *... * iwm\ Ukf ti< r«dif ifcci thc ri^h! tidf ©f Ibc    lK?cvxh *•> ^ b*C».

O* «UMr cccncni o( thn ótupi mim H>k» »t< uud mrcc ilat otct.

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uwng thc diagram at

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Ob Out a* O Inat P

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c* •-Aceehrc**

feeth Toet


Ccpyritte O .1)01 DI (kugni

Out at 15 Inat 16

Continuc thn

Out at 33

b atD


bat 34

Out al r

Out at 17

Contim* thn

la at F

Inat 18

scqucnoc to

Coetisuc thn

Front legs uppa

Out at 35

icqucr*c u ciii all

bat 36

bolca lavc bccn uted

Outat 17



In at 19

Out at 20

Out at A


Inat 21

bat B

Stitch bcads in place

Contim* thit


foc cy«.

ftcęucnoc until this i\


TUm FofimAlaccs lonuartis arc ccpyngat O 2001 I) J Dowgat Md ■uy •« be icpreductd partnuort PtblnM b> Cwd IstęttuiM*

JrAin Itó r«ą Tcwts Uc$u AU. Ot i. VK. Tli. 01455 7170)0 FAN: 014M 717477

F M 1 (Krtat A b atB Out alC la atD Out ai E la mF

Conticuc thn vcqucncc untłl ill tbr bole* arc uvcd thca hacfetitcfc acound thc car.



Fm 2

Tbe Mit chi rt£ *cqueace łsascar I. ttKfetiKfe around thc outsidc of tbc Cif.

Hcid !0p Out at O In at II Out at I Inat J

Out U K

bal I.

CootiŁoe this ic^uence 10 Out M C Inat M


BockM:*.vh thc eycbrow* f;om x 6o I ifti froa y to 4.

N«C Outat 1 bil On at 6 bat 1 0*ilbal 6 Od at 8 bil 3 Od at5 Knat S Od a: Inat 5 Omal?

In ai 2 Out at 4 bal 7

ttacfotiich arcand ibc no*c.

S**ct Sc euuth lUckMitch arocnd tbc inout ani south

Inat K

Contim* this *c*y-eoce to Out at $ («v*ond utc of ihit bole) bat T

Out atc In atd Out atc bat f

Contim* thit vc«|ucr»oe *0 Oj« M g Inat h

Fcct and toc*

Sbo*n on eear leg,

Oat at I

bal 2

Oat il 3

bat 4

Oat at 5

bat 6

StitCh tfe toet at diagram

Stitch ttc front fcct »n tbc wmc *i>.

Bick St rcar kg


bat j



Out atra


Goocfesc thit sc^ucncc to Ostało Inatp

Tkimmy Out atq Inatr.


Inat o Outatl In atu

Contim* this tc^uencc to Out al v Inat w

Front leg 1 Outatll Inat 12 Out at 13 bal 14

Front leg 2 Out at 18 Inat 30 Out at 31 Knat 32


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