31a 2

31a 2


Morse Head    Morse Kit

TbcłC pinemdctailt łhoukd bc u«d in conjunciien with the Form-A-l.incv General latfrucCion shect.

il at ...” mcant bring ihcncedlc from the bick of thework threugh lothe front.

“In ai . " mcant takc the nccdlc from the righl **dcof the werk through to the hack

On nuny sceiions «>f thi\ design some bolcł arc utd inoic than ooce.

Gamet tluead on cicam card.

<«f y c x»ł



Out at A in al B Out at C «n at l>

Out at i ; m at I Continuc thit *e«t'aencc tround the manc until il i* coupkac.

Forchcad Out at $ in at T Out a* U in at S O* at V in at W 0**1 X in at V Continuc thi» \cqucncc »crov* the forehead until ii ił comptac.


I cft car

OjI at 1 in at 2

<Xil at 3 in at 4

OjI at 5 in at 6

Coratfuc thił \cqucncc

j/ound the tar umil it ił



Work av Icft car


Out alG m at II Out at lin a:J Out *1 K in at L Continuc thił vcqucrxc aroundihc cyc until it i* cornplctc. Ali bole* arc used twicc.

F.yebrow Out at M in at N Out at O in at P Out at Q in at R

Nostril A Out at I in at 3 Out at 2 in at 1 Out at 3 in at 5 Out at 4 in at 6 Out at 5 in at I (3ut at 6 in at 2

Kostni B Out at U in at V Out a1 W in a1 X Out a1 Y in at Z Continuc thił vcqucncc arotmd the nostril until it iłcomplctc Ali hoks arc uscd lwice.

Ilcad, neoulh u>J ncck Work the head. mouth and ncck outlinc ułing the illułtration ił a gunie. Most of th«ł will bc accomplishcd using backłtitch. Sec the hack pjgc of ihełc »nvlnxtiom for m form a lian on backłtitch.

fhetc Form* Ad iret InunKtkoi arc <op>?*.gh( C XOt l> J Oeugnt and mi> sol be reproitced uithouc pemttłkn FuttuŁedbyCard Inspiritioał Icwin HUI łan*. Ir»in. Heni Alb Oli. UK Tcl:Ol43S 71X0) FAX 0I4M 71747?


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