

^ r"onr\-;A-.Lir\es


Kor thc Man Kit

Tbesc panem dct.uU tłumki t>c uscd m conjunction with thc General Instruction shect.

*Oil at ...* mm hfij thc n-oltc from tH« K»A <4 ibt »«A throujh to thc froea *ln «l..." mcant Itfcc th*r nmlb troci thc fł^hl ink ol thc nurt tiirough to ibc Uaefc.

Centro Top Seciion Out al A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at F Out at G in at łt Continuc uniil compłcted

T«>p SiiJe Sccltotn Bołh of thcif at worfccd in thc same way.

Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at Out at 5 in at 6 Out at 7 in at 8 Contmue umil compłcted.

Notc • you will have to usc sonie hole* lwice. c.g. Out at A in at 2. out at 3 in at Ił e*c. The Ust hole to be worked for this section u atso pan of

ths ccnuc circkr.

Mottom Scciion Again both of these i arc worked m thc same way.

Copyright C I9ug Cant Uifwium CaoJ tntpriiK^n, The OM Dauy. Te»« IUI »jrm. Tewin llill. Tcwuh Wctwyn. Ilon Al* OLI. Td: 01431 7ITtw0 FAX: Otajut 717477

On at I in at 2 Out al i w al 4 Out at S ui at 6 Out at 7 in at 8 Conti nuc umil completcd.

Notę • yoti will luvc to uje ««ne hoks iw ice aj tn thc top section*, thc firn huk that will he uied twice i$ No. 2. Also thc lau holci to be worked for thc« scctlons arc thc one* on thcccntrc orcie.

Centrę Cuck Hus is workcd in thc same way as thc nther scctkms.

Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in al 4 Continue umil completcd. You will utc all of thc holes lwice. (The hoks that havc alrrady been used for othec tcctions will oeotually harc threc threads in ihem.)


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