Fleur� lis

Fleur� lis

tS*    Form- y\-]_Jr\es

tS*    Form- y\-]_Jr\es


For thc Man Kit

Thesc panem dctails sliould bc uscd m cnnjuiKlron with thc General Instmction sheet.

"Out m ..." mc.im Nmj thc n<xdtc from th« K»ci vl Ihe thiou^h to Ib* froM. "In dl ..." iiKim t*c th*r nccJIe from thc fighl u Je ol che Work tlirough 10 ihe tuck.

0    2367

Ccmrc Top Scction Oui ai A in at B Oul al C in 41 D Out ji E in At F Out at G in at tf. Continue umil compłcted.

Top Sicie Scenom Bołh uf these arc worked in thc same


Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at Out at 5 in at Out at 7 in at Continue until compłcted.

Notę • you will hnve to usc somc hoka lwice. e.g. Out at A in at 2. nut at 3 in at Ft ctc. The hut hole to be u-ockcd for this section is also pan of

thc caurc circlc.

Rodom Sccfśon Agam hoth oi ihesc are worked in ihe same way.

Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in ai 4 Out at 5 m al 6 Out at 7 in at 8 Continue until complctcd.

Notę • you will havc to use s«me hotes lwice xt in thc top scctions, thc First hole that will be uscd twice is No. 2. Also thc last holet to bc worked for these scctions arc ihe unes on theccntrc circle.

Centrę Circle This ts worked in tbc same way as thc oiber scciions.

Out at 1 in at 2 Oui at 3 in at 4 Continue until compkted. You will usc all of thc holes twice. (The holes that

havc already been uscd for other sections will CYcotually have threc threads in them.)

Copyright O Cant kup«ratx*»

Card Imptranom. The Otd Dany. Te-nn IMI Farm. Tcwin IMI. Tewin, Wdwyn. Ikit* Al oOt.l Td: 01438 717000 FAX: 0I4M 717477


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