The shoot menstem (teft) consists of a central zonę (CZ). that presumably harbors stem cete and lfVl/5-expressing organizing center (OC), and surroundmg differentiatmg cells The stem cells are orgaruzed into three layers due to antclmal (norma! to the menstem surface) celi divisions m the outer two layers Signaling from the OC (blue arrow) confers a stem celi State upon the apical cells, which m tum restrict the size of the OC via CLV3 signaling (red T-bars) In the root menstem (right), signaling from the quiescent center (blue) inhibits differentiation of the surroundmg
stem cete (red) .
Lmux T 2003 The Stem Concept in
A Matter of Debato Celi 113 281-283