Fast Forward/Rowlnd
PimMalNngMkdi Fast torwars crf the teoe • slerted
Presa bur et the leR ede Fast reannd ol the tape i* started
If the ond or Ihe begmrtng o# the lepe • reached. the irack vr*l Łe eiilnmeSfft -nsrisn rsitnis replay ■■ 11 Pressing the TUNf or AUTO-bar. or rhe SC-buRon dunng fa--t foreard’ wwd w u stop Sm functon betom Sm end or Sm begemeig ot Sm tępo e reached Cassette replay ad stert
Scan Search
The SC-button nilowa aiitnpllno of cassette setections (only foiwurd) for npproxlmuU»ly uinht seconds. Pressing the SC-button a socond tlme, or pressing the AUTO- or TUNE-bar. will stop the scen noweli,_
Dolby B
Thls funetton reduces background hiss whlle playing a cassette that was recorded using the Dolby noise redudnr system. To actrvate thls fundion press the button. The Dolby symbol <S displayod
To replay cassettes wtthout Sm Dolby system, press the button agaln. The Dolby mdication disappears