Ycs! thars wlint eoinjłotonl judgcs sny The Miglrty A|mlloit is now. But I stnrtod wirli no moro physieal ndvantagOs than YOT' possoss. or milliona- uf mon ui puny ph.ysicpio. I was nerer u •' pieture strong man " or a ” parlour arhleto." .My motto is performance not talk. Xo otlier System lms evor approaolwHl tho unsurpassoil siu-eoss* and uinuzing BKSTBIS tlint have lioeu uttainod by mysclf »»<> pupils.
ieh foats as |
lifting |
two sen, |
. n-rights (t |
ied togo tli er) with linio lingor | |
orerho; |
ad, curry ing |
lmlf-a-ton on my |
hai k 5<t yan |
l>. crushing potutoos witli grip. | |
and toi |
iiring tonnis |
luiUs in |
halvos, I, |
u-eaking horst |
‘-shoes. lifting a 4owt. sofo with |
niv ioo |
tli. supporting two o; |
art lior.se. |
s on a l.ridgo |
plneod on chust. jumping ovor a | |
tiihle v |
ihilt* holding |
a 56lb. |
woiglit n |
i < aeh linnd, |
breaking WOBLD S Reoords ar |
weight |
lifting, aro |
mero c |
hildks pli |
»y to test m |
y groat strength. Remnrknblc |
perlon |
nanieś aro o |
rorv dftv |
■ occurrci |
iees. The Apollon Mothod is tlm only eourse | |
III The |
worltl t liii t |
aelually |
uiakes r |
eally strong. |
Rod Blomlod llo-mon Men of |
stool and cmhtrnme. Apollon pupils tlirill tlnir friends willi feats ul strength. The Apollon Alethod develops couragc and leadorship. lonfidence. staying-powor, pop and vj ta lity.
A reproduction of Cerlificatc or Record awarded t: The Mighty Apollon (J. C. Tolsoni for lifting S51i-]bs. Two Hands Dtnd Lift—the 11 stone WORLDS RECORD.
Without Łhis unlciue system of muscular devclor.ment It would have been Impossible cver to havc acąuired suinctent power to accompiish thls. the lifting of the heavlest wcigbt evcr lifted by an EngUshman. whlle only weighing 10-sionc 13-Ibs. body weight. It is shown herc In order to conv!i»cc you that the Apollon Course is the res uit of years or study rtsultlng In the nblllty to perrorm cxtraordinary outstanding feats of strength.