Cross stitch in two strands
DMC Anchor Madeira
* 152 |
893 |
2610 |
JL 223 |
895 |
0812 |
_°J 445 |
288 |
0103 |
0 562 |
210 |
1206 |
? 1 00 |
906 |
2113 |
Ai 955 |
203 |
1210 |
* 3721 |
896 |
0811 |
50 3820 |
306 |
2509 |
* 3853 |
1003 |
0311 |
A 3854 |
313 |
2301 |
1 Backstitch in one strand | ||
829 |
906 |
2113 |
ail dętąiłs
* o? count cr®am linen.
(Willow Fabrics)
♦ Pstternedfabric
* Cream silk ribbon
•Four cream buttons
Brush case
* 28 count cream linen Uyjo, (Willow Fabrics) X?5Cnn
• Patterned fabric
• Cream silk ribbon
•Two cream buttons Porstockistdeta«sseepage88
Sfep J
CUT yourstitching to measure I1x19cm. Cut two pieces of patterned fabric to measure 6x19cm. If desired, edge one long side of each fabric piece with silk ribbon. Alternatively, just fold and hem the edges under.
WITH right sides in, pin your patterned pieces in place over your stitched piece so that the ribbon-trimmed edges overlap in the middle. Machinę stitch in place and turn right side out. Add buttons to each of the four corners.
CUT your stitching and backing fabric to 11x15cm and cut to a point. With right sides in. sew together leaving the top end o pen and turn. Cut two fabric pieces to 11x21cm. Hem the top edge of each. With right sides in, sew together.
Step 2
TURN right side out. Fold the raw edges of your stitched piece under and press in place. Machinę or hand stitch in place on the inside of the pouch you created in Step 2 to create a flap for the pouch. Finish with buttons if desired.
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