60043 strona) (13)

60043 strona) (13)

Tony has 73 prizes from skateboarding competitions. He's 34 but he can skateboard like a sixteen year old. He goes very fast and he does tricks on his skateboard. His four-year-old son, Spencer, can also ride a skateboard!

But Tony isnt only a fantastic skateboarder - he can do other things too. Tony writes Computer games and books. Lots of people buy his books. HAWK - Occupotion: skateboarder is a bestseller in the United States.

Tony also has a skateboarding and musie show and he takes it all around the United States and Canada. Tony doesnt perform the musie - he can't play the guitar or sing - but he and other skateboarders perform tricks, and their musicians play rock musie. The show is very popular.


5 EK9 Listen. What can Jonny and Susie do? Tick (/) the things they can do.



play the guitar



play the piano



play football

play tennis


speak French

speak Spanish

ride a bike

drive a car


Grammar I can/can’t

4 a Tick (/) the things Tony can do. Cross (X) the things he can’t do.

play the guitar

ride a skateboard

use a Computer


play rock musie

perform tricks

b Complete the sentences and questions with can or can’t. Then complete the Active grammar box.

What can Tony Hawk do?

1    He_ride a skateboard.

2    What_his friends do?

3    They_play the guitar and sing.

4    _you ride a skateboard?

5    No, I_, but I_ride a bicycle.

6 a GE9 We say can/can’t in different ways. Listen and repeat.

/a/    /ae/    /a:/

Can you dance? Yes, I ęąn. No, I can’t.

b Ask and answer. Use the table.

A: Can Susie speak French?

B: Yes, she can.

A: Can Jonny drive?

B: No, he can’t.

c Work with a partner. Ask and answer, using the activities in Ex. 5.

A: Can you ski?

B: No, I can’t. Can you...?


7 a Work in groups. Find someone who ...

Aetive grammar

l/You/He/She/lt/We/They swim.



_ l/you/he/she/it/we/they


stand on their head write baekwards move their ears play an unusual instrument write Computer programs


Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they can. No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they

b Tell the elass about your group.


write with their get up in the send a text message use a video or DVD player

see Reference page 33



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