61461 spiral dynamisc integral

61461 spiral dynamisc integral

Ycllow - Integra! Self - no spccific age.

Worldccntric - starting 50 ycars ago

Lice fully and responsibly as whatyou are and learn to become.

Qucst: intcgral synthesis

Merhod: awaken maximum numbcr of strcams ofcvolution, integrate divcrsi!Y with discernment...


Pitfalls: abortcd sclf-actualization, cxistential angst, bad faith. etc.

/////// / RADICAL PHASE SHIFT \ \\ \\ \\ \

Grecn • Sensitive Self - age 15-21 ycars

Social Dcmocracies, informational - starting 150 ycars ago

Seek peace witbin the inner self and explore, the caring dimensions of

comm unity.

Quest: affectionate rclations.

Mcthod: apprcciate divcrsc vicws, listcn wcll, go for consensus, cmphasizc group nceds...

Pitfalls: inauthcntidty, dcadening, excessive relativism, lack of discernment, interminable attcmpts at consensus...

Orange - Achiever Self - age 9-11 ycars

(kapitaliście Dcmocracies - starting 300 ycars ago

Act inyour own self interest by playing the gamę to u in.

Quest: materiał pleasure.

Mcthod: learn to cxcel. set goals, archicvc, measurc success...

Pitfalls: identity crisis, role confusions, consumerism. ccological crisis. workaholism, goal-fixation. ovcr-attachmcnt tosuccessful methods.

Blue - Kule Kole Self • age "-8 ycars. Pater Mythic

Nation States. Authoritarian * starting 5,000 ycars ago

Life bas meaning, direction. andpurpose withpredetermined outeomes.

Qucst: ultimate peace.

Mcthod: follou the gieen rules, don t exceed your role...

Pitfalls: archctypal role identification. script pathology, fundamentalism.


Ked - Impulsiee Self - age 5-6 ycars. Karły Mythic l eudal & Kxploitive Kmpire - starting 10,000 ycars ago Be u bat you are and do whatyou want. regardless.

Quest: heroic status, power. glory.

Mcthod: align with power. take what you need...

Pitfalls: anxiety. depression. phobias. cxccssive guilt, cannot build stable nations

Purple - Magie Aniniistic Self - age 1-3 ycars.

Tribal Order - starting 50,000 ycars ago

Keep the spicits happy and the tribe s nest wami and safe.

Qucst: safe modę of iiving.

Mcthod: Petition to Gods or Powers with ritual...

Pitfalls: borderline, narcissism. omnipotent fantasy, animisric halludnatioas, tribal conflicts

Beige - Instinctive Self - age 0—18 months Survival Bands - starting 100,000 ycars ago Do what you must to stay a!we.

Qucst: food. water, warmth, shelter Methods: scavcngc w hateeer you need...

Pitfalls: primitive developmentaI psycho-pathologies. autism

Steve Self www.formlessmountain.com

Credits: Ken Wilber

Don Beck - Spiral Dynamics Integral


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spiral dynamics integral Steve Self vAw/.formlessmou ntain.com Credits: Ken Wilber Don Beck - Spiral
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