62571 Instructions Teddy in Box

62571 Instructions Teddy in Box

Ir o ŁAm-y\-L


Ciifi Bo* Tcddy

( hristmas Kil 6

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Out at I m at 4

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Rnckstitch ihe mouth.

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Work car 2 iii a Mimlar way N'otc: it a a mirem image of car I


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rhcsc Form-A-l inesinstniclHms arc copyright o 2000 OJ Ih-sigto aml may nor be reprodneed wilhouf pemii»%io« hibli-whcd b> fani ln>pirałk>n> lew in Hiil | nrm. Icwin. Ilcrlł \l n (l| I. I!k lei 014 38 7170001 AX 01438 717477



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