Let me know « phone anytimt so much to dc
Choose the correct aiternatlve.
a A Why are you turnlng on the IV?
B \’li watchfrn golną je watch the football.
2 A What wouid you like to eat?
B ! thlnk 17/ havefm having a cheese sandwlcn.
3 A Wow! Lock at those black douds!
8 Yes, I think S17/ rain/s going to roin.
4 A Did you get the ac '
8 Oh no! Sorry, i forgoi.Jjlgo and get/m going to get it now.
5 A Have you seen john recently?
B No, bot O; meetfmrn.ceimg hirn at op.m.
6 A WHere śs Eva?
B Oh, she7/ be/s being late ... she always is!
7 A Where are you going on hoiiday this year?
8 We’ve decided we 7/ have.fre going to have
a skiing hoiiday but rrn riot sore"ex5ĆTly " where.
8 A Can you come on Thursday evening?
8 No, sorry. 17/ playfm playing vol!eyhail.
Insert the verb phrases in the box in the correct places In the email.
e wajlłfTg wor^Kfe \ myf;
Sat. 23rd
Hi Antonio,
i can hardiy beiieye it - but by next Friday atternoon, ai! my exams! Untii then. I!m completeiy up to my eyes in revision. i for my ex«n;:- d ■- «*1 --this weekend and then every spare minutę i get next week. i really can't wait to get them ali out of the way.
for immediately after. in fact: this time next week. Hor
been there before and ioved it, After this hoiiday. we there foui times* Anyway, that's wny i m wnung >
; just wanted io know if you you; jod oy men. have, why don’t you come with us? ! know it s snort notice, but it would be great if you could come.
spor. as you can. Either email me or flQ
Realiy hope you can come.
Complete the sentences usmg the words in the box, Three of the words cannot be used.
/ deaęjtfnes surg^bn can
pressure qu*rfity detali ir
1 i don*t think Pd be a godd are! b ,
2 Td iove to be able to take ear f€*^
spend my time painting.
3 To be a successfui vet, you have to be good at
time with my sister and me when we were young.
. t/\
7 ^
last week because there isrPt enough work for them now,
8 As a journalist, Tm always having to meet very
JU2oJU.vv^ V
Complete the sentences with one word from box A and one word from box B. You will sometimes need to change the form of the yerfa.
A dgp€ncT syj&ęśd -somplajn
ce-nsist w&fł4ed-" mopeśf
8 abcut1x3) for on (x2) ^
The fiat a kitchen, a large iiving room
and three bedrooms. * a -K
Silowi CPU C*ś\J
1 My flatmate always CCv<1} tne nolse when im listeningto musie..^
2 Why are you so f her? She’11 phone if
3 l’m so pteased that i ___ passing my
drfving test first time!
t surę If i can come tonight, it what time i fmish^wpek.
l’m going to - cJs
_ e i exam results, She never
tells peopie how weli $he’s done.