Ask Me Everything 5

Ask Me Everything 5



008 How big is the Universe?

010 Why are there telescopes in space?

012 FEATURE: Capturing space 014 Which star shines the brightest? 016 How does space technology affect me?

018 How do you get into space?

020 What is a spacewalk?

022 How long does it take to get to the Moon?

024 Who names the stars and galaxies?

026 Why is Mars red?

028 FEATURE: A guide to Mars 030 Why does Saturn have rings? 032 Why do comets have tails?

034 What is a meteorite?

036 Are we alone?


040 What is geology?

042 Where do metals come from? 044 Why are there so many volcanic islands?

046 FEATURE: Galapagos Islands 048 What created the Himalayas? 050 How deep is the Grand Canyon? 052 What’s so strange about the Namib Desert?

054 How do caves form?

056 How does water shape Earth?

100 How can a cactus survive in the desert?

102 What on Earth are algae?

104 How big is a swarm?

106 Why is an octopus so spineless?

108 Why are sharks so scary?

110 Where can you find a parasite? 112 Why are beetles built like tanks? 114 FEATURE: Beetle adaptations 116 How can a frog leap so far? 118 How fast can a crocodile swim? 120 How big is a bird of prey?

122 What goes bump in the night? 124 FEATURE: Ten amazing bats 126 Why are whales so big?

128 Can all big cats roar?

130 How smali is a mouse?

Humań body

134 How many body cells do you have?

136 What is your largest body organ?

138 What is a body system?

138 FEATURE: Body Systems 142 What is DNA?

144 How do you think?

146 Why do you need to sleep?

148 Why do some smells trigger memories?

150 Why brush your teeth?

152 How do we communicate?

154 Why are your hands so handy?

200 Where is hot water always on tap?

202 How many canals does Amsterdam have?

204 Which is the largest country in the world?

206 What is the smallest country in the world?

208 Can you really ski in Dubai?

210 How many people live in India? 212 FEATURE: River Ganges 214 Where is the rice bowl of Asia? 216 How many people live in Tokyo? 218 What is the outback?

220 How many islands are there in the South Pacific?

222 FEATURE: Ten South Pacific islands

224 Does anyone live in the Arctic?

Society and culture

228 How do people worship?

230 What are symbols?

232 Why do we have myths?

234 What is philosophy?

236 What’s news?

238 Why is pop musie so popular? 240 Why do we dance?

242 Who decides what’s fashion? 244 Which country produces the most films?

246 FEATURE: How to make a film 248 Why do people love to paint? 250 What is architecture?


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