Ask Me Everything(8

Ask Me Everything(8

towns- 'n's

Skyscraper (1884) Movie (1895)

The first skyscraper, the The Lumiere brothers Home Insurance Office, show first public movie built in Chicago, llliinois. screening in France.














How to:

ride a penny farthing bicycle




Luddite Riots—British craftsmen protest against job losses by breaking up industrial machines


Factory Act bans employment of children under the age of nine in Great Britain


Mili girls go on strike at Lowell, Massachusetts


Potato famine in Ireland


Labor Day holiday is held in New York for the first time


Old-age pensions in Germany are the first in the worldGreat

Urban bfe


Stand behind the bike and take hołd of the handlebars.

01    Canned meat (1810)

02    Waterproof raincoat (1823)

03    Sewing machinę (1851)

04    Toilet paper (1857)

05    Heinz tomato ketchup (1867)

06    Vacuum cleaner (1876)

07    Domestic refrigerator (1879)

08    Light bulb (1879)

09    Aspirin (1898)

10    Washing machinę (1907)

Now use your right foot to push the bike forward. Keep looking ahead all the time.

BruneTs suspension bridge, Bristol, U.K.

Transport links

Developments in building techniques led to morę efficient transportation systems. The engineering genius of the day was British architect Isambard Kingdom Brunei. His bridges, railroads, viaducts, and steamships madę long-distance travel faster and morę affordable.

Social change 286|287

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