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Colorado potato beetles
Native to the southwestern U.S.A, these beetles are one of the most destructive insect pests. They attack crops of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. They are resistant to insecticides, but farmers can spray crops with a fungus that kills the beetles.
Rhinoceros beetles
When female rhinoceros beetles are ready to matę, they give off a smell that brings males flying in. Rivals bob their heads in threat and then the headbutting, levering, and tossing starts. The loser is the one that’s knocked off its perch.
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Over millions of years, beetle bodies have adapted to an amazing variety of lifestyles. The long legs of the tiger beetle help it run down prey over the sand dunes, while the giant horns of the rhinoceros beetle are used in fierce clashes with other males.
Jewel beetles
These come in beautiful metallic colors and their shiny wing cases are used to make jewelry and ornaments in parts of Asia. The striped love beetle’s “Shell” works like a prism, giving a rainbow tint to its green coloring.
Tiger beetles
Night hunters with big, bulging eyes, tiger beetles pursue their prey at speeds of up to 5 mph (8 kph). They are also fast fliers. The beetles’ long legs hołd their bodies high above the hot sand of their desert habitat.
Whirligig beetles
These water beetles spend most of their time swimming on the surface of ponds. To help them look out for prey, they have divided eyes— one half to watch under the water, and the other to see above the surface. When they dive, they carry an air bubble down with them.
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Flour beetles
These insect pests feed on wheat and other cereals and cause expensive damage if they infest a farmer's grain siło. Flour beetle young, known as mealworms, are raised commercially to feed pet reptiles and birds or to be used as fishing bait.
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