Ask Me Everything

Ask Me Everything

Microgravity experiments

Astronauts working on the International Space Station (ISS) orbiting Earth perform various experiments in the weightless environment of space.

Growing plants

Astronauts traveling to Mars will need to grow their own food, so seeds and plants are being tested.

Staying healthy

An astronaut uses equipment that tests for biological and Chemical substances on the ISS.

Radiation studies

A dummy astronaut is used to check the !evel of radiation that astronauts experience when out in space.

Growing crystals

The ISS has three laboratories—here in the Kibo lab, a crystal-growing experiment is monitored.

Body experiments

Living in space affects the human body; astronauts routinely monitor their health and fitness.


Morę than 9,000

U.S. students enter®d r oompetition to namean^that will goto Marsi o0rt A 12-year-old gffl suggested the winnmg name, Curiosity.

Planet explorers ■ J™-

Moon explorers

Countries and regions that have sent spacecraft to the Moon:


Here are the most recent spacecraft to have explored each planet. Both Uranus and Neptune have been visited by only one spacecraft:



Mars—Mars Express



Uranus—Voyager 2

Neptune—Yoyager 2


Luna 1 is the first spacecraft to travel away from Earth


Telstar transmits the first live TV images and telephone calls through space


Mariner 2 flies by Venus; the first spacecraft to fly by another planet


Lunokhod 1 lands on the Moon—it is the first rover to drive across another planet


Venera 7 sends the first signals from the surface of Venus


Salyut 1 becomes the first space station to orbit Earth


Mariner 9 orbits Mars to become the first spacecraft to orbit another planet


Galileo releases a probe into Jupiter’s atmosphere, the first into a giant planefs atmosphere

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Exploring space i 16| 17


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