65162 sweterekújny1

65162 sweterekújny1

Dec I st at neck eilge evcry olher row 25 (27. 29. 31) limes—17 (IR, 19. 20) sls. Work until piece measures same as back lo shoulder. Shape shoul-dcr as for back.


Work as for left front. revcrsing all shaping.


Willi larger needles and B. casl on 34 (38. 42. 46) sls. Work in k2, p2 rib for 2"/5cm. Cliange to smaller needles. Cont in rib until piece measures 5' :"/14cm from beg, end with a WS row. Cliange to A. Work in St st for 2 rows. Next (inc) row (RS) K3. Ml. work to last 3 sts. Ml. k3. Rep inc row cvcry Rth row 10 times inorc —56 (60. 64. 68) sts. Work cvcn until piece measures 18 (18, 18'.. 18’.')" 45.5 (45.5. 47.47)cm from beg.

3'*(4.4I*.41:)" 6%” .

1714 (18':, I9.-.20’:)" 201:(2l'-:.22'<.23)”

12'-: (13'/.-. 14'., 15)" 11(12.13.13’.)" r2‘ • < 13' . 14'.. 15)*•

12'-: (13'*. 14':. 15)"


7': (8‘9':. 10)"

Cap shaping

Bind off 6 (6. 7. 7) sts at beg of next 2 rows. dec I st each sidc of ncxt row. then evcry 4th row 2 (4. 4. 6) limes morę. every other row 9 (8. 9, 8) times. Bind olT 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off rem 14(16. 16, 18) sts.


Błock pieccs to measurements. Sew shoulder


Front edges

Witli smaller needles and B. pick up and k46 (46. 50. 50) sts evcnlv along front edge to neck shaping. Work in k2. p2 rib for 3 rows. Bind off in rib. Collar

Witli larger circular nccdlc and B. cast on 242 sts. Do not join. work back and fortli on circular nccdlc. Establish rib

Row 1 (WS) P2. *k2. p2; rep from * lo end. Cont in rib. bind off 4 sts at beg of ncxt 14 rows 186 sls. Changc to smaller circular nccdlc. Bind off 4 sts at beg of ncxt 15 rows 126 sts. Ncxt row (WS) Bind off 4 sts. pl st, *k2tog, p2; rep from * to last st. pl 92 sts. Bind off 3 sts at beg of ncxt 20 rows. Bind off rem 32 sts in rib.

Set in slecvcs. Sew sidc and sleevc seams. Sew bound-off edge of collar to neck edge. Cul suede strip in half. Sew one half to riglit front at beg of neck shaping and the other half to left front. 4"/IOcm in from front edge 4*


Opera-length glovcs witli contrasting color picot cufls and embroidered floral motifs. Sized for Smali Medium, t.arge X-l.arge and shown in size Smali Medium on page 66.


•3 l' *o/.50g balls (each approx 176yd 160m) of Lana Grossa-Unieom Books and Crafts Cool Bmil 201)0 (wool) in #433 black (A)

•    1 bali in #481 cclcry (B)

•    Smali amounts #466 ll blue. #437 tan. <(482 rosę. #483 plum and #439 purple

•    One set (4) dpn size 3 (3.25mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

•    Tapcstry needle


26 sts and 34 mds - 4“/IOcm ovcr St st using size 3 (3.25mm) needles.



With B. cast on 57 (61) sts. Dividc sts csenly onto 3 nee-dlcs—19 (20) sts on 2 needles. 19 (21) sts on I needle. Join. taking care not ui tw ist sLs on needles. Mark end of

md and sl matker esery md. K 5 mds. Pieot md KI. *yo. k2tog; rcp from * anwnd. Cont in St st 5 mds more. Changc to A. Cont in Sl sL dec I st at end of every 8th (lOth) md (last 2 sls beftxe maiker) 9 (7) limes 48 (54) sts. Redistributc sts cvcnly ovcr 3 needles— 16 (18) sts on each needle. Work e\en until piece measures 7718cm from picot md. or desired length to bose of thumb. Thumb gore

Rnd I K.26 (29), pl. Ml, kl. Ml. pl. k to end—

50    (56) sts. K 2 mds.

Rnd 4 K26 (29). pl. Ml. k3. Ml. pl, k to end 52 (58) sts. Cont in this way to inc 2 sts every 3rd md by Ml inc after flrst pl and bcforc 2nd pl. until thcrc arc a total of 62 (68) sts. K 3 mds. Nett md K27 (30). sl ncxt 15 sts to contrast yam strand and casl on 3 sts for inside edge of thumb. k to end—50 (56) sts. Work cvcn for lW4.5cm moro, or desircd length to basc of lingcns.

Index finger

K15 (18) sts and sito contrast yam strand. k 14 (16), cast on 2 sts for inner edge of finger and sl rem 21 (22) sts to other end of same yam strand. Join and work in mds on 16 (18) sts, rcdistributing sts on 3 needles. until finger measures 3'V7.5cm OR ' <"/.5em less than desircd length. Dec md [K2tog] 8 (9) limes—8 (9). K. I md. Dcc md [Kl. k2tog] 2 (3) times. k2 (0)—6 sts. Last md [K2tog| 3 times. Cut yam and draw through rem sts to close. Middle finger

51    5 (6) sts from back of hand to dpn. k these sts then pick up and k 2 sts at basc of index finger. k7

./ Stern



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