Adventurer. former Chooser of
the Slarn BASE Asgard
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 ins WEIGHT 475 Ibs
EYES Blue HAIR Blond©
Avengcrs vol. 1 »87 (April 1971)
N/aikyrio has enhanced sfrength, tongeyily. and stanrwia; can pcfccnr© Uie onset of doain. can t©teport to tho realm o( tho doad.
Vam p
Ocłin, rulcr of Asgard. madę Brunnhilde thc leader of the Valkyrior, giving hor the ta$k of selecting worthy warriors fjjrom ainong the slain and bringing them toYilhalla. Brunnhilde fulfilled hor role ably umil the vill:\iłious EMCłiANT^fe trapped ber spirit wiebin a crystal and kept it thcrc for ccnturies, using ii to invcst hcrsclf and others of her choosing with Valkyrie powers. As well as stealing her powers, in modern times the Enchantress also assumed Brunnhildes form to deceive the Awncers. She gave the powers of Yalkyrie to the socialite Samantha Parrington. and later to Barbara Norriss, intending to usc them as her pawns. Ho\vever, Brunnhilde eventually succeeded in restoring her consciousness into Norriss* body. and soon won back her original body.
FIRST APPEARANCE Capta<n America #217 (January 1978)
REAL NAME Unrevcaled
OCCUPATION Secret agent BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 5 ft 2 In WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Btack
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A tramed socrot agent, the Vamp
woro an absorbo-belt that aliowed her to dupheate the strength and
physical skills of anyone around her.
Wieśdng a inysticai swwd, Vakyńo defleds an enorgy anack.
Due to her exccllcnt ftghting skills, the woman known as the Vamp was selected to becomc one of the tirst Super-Agents of SI HELI). Unfortunately. the Vamp was a double-agent, secrctly working for thc criminal Corporation, and assigned to infiltrate SHIELD. She had also been subjected to a genetic modification, which aliowed her to transform into a psionically-powercd creature ealled Animus.
Eventually. the Vamps true loyalties were exposcd and she was incarcerated. She subsequcmly heeame yet another victiin of thc notorious serial killer of Super Villains the Scourge of
FIRST APPEARANCE l'on Man *109 (April 1978)
REAL NAME Nicolai Krylonko
OCCUPATION Adveoturer BASE Bdarus
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 230 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Red
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Generates forco-fiold that repols
most onergy directed at hlm; also uses hammer and sickle to
redirect tho repeilod onergy.
The DclondOfS wero Vnlkyrie's twtended fanufy. As a core member. sho hepod tho toom figlu off coirMtess Hireals to the planet.
As Yalkyrie, Brunnhilde joined the Dffenders and secmingly sacrificed her life to dcfcat thc cvil entity known as the Dragon of i hf Moon. She later returned by inhabiting new host bodies. but perished in the cwnts surrounding T i ior s unleashing of Ragnarok.Thc Samantha Parrington vcrsion of Ydkyrie has regained her powers, and has continued her adventuring career. dw
Bom in the Sovict Union, Nicolai Krylenko livcd a life that was tnarkcd by dcception and duplicity right trom the start. Bom with mutant powers. he and lns twin sister Laynia were adopted by the state after their mother died in ehildbirth. Their father. a nuclcar physicist, was told they were stillborn. Raiscd by the Soviet machinę to be a counterweight to the increasingly proliftc US mutants, Nicolai and
ecame members of the State sponsored super-team. the Supcr-Soldiers. lnevitably. they learnt the cruth ahout their background and sińce then Nicolai has pursued morę semi-autonomous rolcs. He is currcndy a member of super-team, the Winter Guard. A D