66220 s&h 023

66220 s&h 023



deeply, takc mild cxereises, eat eautiously and watc-li the digestion—that bana of life.

The keystone of good liealth is a good stornach, for it stands to reasou if tlić food is not properly digcsted it will not yiekl up tlie necessary amornit of sustonance. 'Ehe rośni t is obrious. I don’t nood to tell yon of tlie many ills tliat follow iu tlie wake of in-digostion—eonstipation. flatuleney, beart-burn, and a focling of heariuess whioli is ex-tremely distressiug.

And yct the eure is so simple as to l>c al-most unbeliovable. Chcw yonr food cure-fully, take eseroise, drink plon ty of pure w a ter.

That is all.

Lot the doctor keep his preseription; lot tlie ehemist keep his druga, and yon are cured.

AYhat the stornach of the dyspcptic needs is circnlation, not medicino, and the man— or wonian either—ni tli a pain aroiind the heart noed not condole rcith thcmselTes be-


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