69212 jow07 06

69212 jow07 06

ftroathe out wvi quickly raleo, awocpln. your arai oror your head tołrarda

ywr foet.

At the ił** tire aa you bajta to raiae, icick your Imr.t up 1" a straipht lina to-ifi tho harde, but fco«~ your log* afctff.

The objoot la to try to touch the toes widio your foet aro off the floor.

Then lower baek to the orijlaal poittton.

tn *-hla etcrcioo you do not uae the cleniu raiła*

iYaotiee thla eseroiee rmrewent twwl-ro tinoa to oonmnoe with, and ovt>ry thlrd rrrr.ctlco nirht add one ropotltlor. ur.tll twonty-four counta are rouchoć.

&C»*T8 TO AV0IL*

KnH for<^t to fctole up wlth your lor*.

Don»t fbrget to fOtttR your fcoee# r-on*t r,o ovor twonty-four counta.

Sterol10 2d>

Thla eremito la an oId reliable of aino.

it ic tło finoat ex«rolae I know of for Łhote to proctlca oho me proso to htrnU or t-rolapaLa of the ahdocen.

rtita arorolae eatchet tho lewer tocttor o^ tSe aH^anłralo.

Llo fiat on the floor with your handa partly uncer your hipe, aa abotm in the aooor -».-ylr- llluotratlon for hla eacrrelao.

V; your bc-y rti;id and r*loo your hoele off the floor for ab out tao Inchec.

YYou that ro*itlon co.aaor.oe.

nolao your foot In a olrculnr -wonant towunle yfrir noad, and breath© out aa you do ae. Then loiror to the nrlflual ooaltior. whloh la the pcaltlon vtth your boele sllgbtly OFF tho floor.

Praotioo thla novmaent vm«1vo    and laoreaao to twenty-fbor acnreaerti

by add Ir. one reootltlon erery third Tr^tioo nlght.


IHm't fbrget to koep your Dcn*t fbrjjet td koep your Doo»t go orer twonty-four




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