69369 P1190273

69369 P1190273

102 Jacek Górski. Przemysław Makarewicz

Utłuc knises Ki uwatrr). They arc found in hoards, graves and settlements. Tb* phenoroenon coincided with the emergence of permanenl FC settlements in d* Caipathian Foothills. including fbrtified settlements (Gancarski 1994: 1999) and the appearance of Baltic amber in the regions situated south of the arch of d* Carpathians (Batora 1995; Maikova 2003).


The imerpretatłon of thosc interactions, which may be seen panicularly a ponęty prodnetkm. is ambtguous We shouid consider miscellaneous scenariosef thosc oMcracoans. which may be mani fest ed in archaeological matenal in nnoa ways (Górski 2003:97 100). In the area occupied by the TCC we may find vcssds dat have ęxact eqnivalents in the Transcarpathian environment (Figs 1. 2.5-7) How«vcr. there are ałso other objects which do not have exact equivalents of. ba tbor ts ao doubt that they were madę in imitation of forcign (not "Trzciniec-likel cultural panem- There are known examples of typically „Trzcinicc-like" objects E which the diagnosnc features characteristic of the FC. i.e. knobs sunounded tą aide grooYcs (Fig )) were significantly transformed compared to Transcarpa-thian panems (e.g. Slocfay Annopolskie - Ganiawski 1959. Platę LIII: 3; Zdnąfa - Dąbrowski 1972. Płate V: 2).

or pedestaMboted beakers.

The funhti to dte north of Poland. the lower the nuraber of features ch«*' tcrwUr of the Tnnscaipathian cultures that appear on the połtery We may t®"*- • .Magidi Owce roaes of ditTerent quantity of objects having Southern *c*™ (Fig. KU (Makarewicz 1999. Fig I). The nrsr of them inctudes the region ^ Capriń Tinilhill south of the rangę of dense TCC settlement («*e - w'.. oihmłh bcaad with the regions of Transcarpathia and one shouid teck Ik pfaysacal riesence of the FC and the Piliny cuhurc representatis es in The secood may be locatrd on the loess soils near Kraków (and Pf^^fpc Saadunacn as wcll. togfcther with the neighbouring area on the right t***.^-VMk fWfM| ke retnarks on the diSerences betwecn thosc regie^' v. 2903. 114-U8) Theae are dte Southern lands occupied by dense TCC -    t.r

idklhtmanuig temioncs senled by the TCC. mainly k>w lands-

Desphe elear objections as to the possibility of precise Identification ofTras-■|ihiw fcamres in portery, there were madę some independent attempts to nap suci* <§scoveńes in the Polish lands. which gave very similar results (Fis. IW (Makarem icz 1909. Fig 1; Górski 2003. Figs 4. 5. 11: Dąbrowski 20Ofa. Map > ft is gcneralh assuraed that the Southern pros-enance characterizes the fotkr»as wssei' 11 long-necked jugs often with bowl-shaped feet. which have analopesa the MC aniwanl (Figs 6: 2: 7): 2) jugs. frequently on pedestal feet and " -i li■ a linii ornament represeotmg hanging knobs (morę rare are amph***** | stmilar ornament) ar veracal grooves (Figs l: 1—4. 8: 4: 2; 5: 6: IV. and ?'

Tunłcarpethian influence in Trzeiaite euliura] ciicle




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