- to behave as the home firm
- to accept the local patriotism
- to change the local consumer behaviour continuously, no rapidly
- consumers to perceive the market changes as the natural development, no aggressive marketing.
„Glocalization ...towards standardization“
How should we define an European consumer?
Which approach to use?
- National? i |
W s /#= |
- Regional? |
' %ia| |
- Global European one? | |
Do wc know something about our European neighbours? |
: |
How to use „European theory“ in marketing? |
According to research associated with VanderMerwe and L Wuiffier {198$}, companśes in Europę san conjpete effectiyeiy m Europę hy accurately targeting to mMMr,
ifllik rt-1:J;1^fIii ;:C::. "r ‘Śi.i:;śif^^S.:
* ih& UK nad irzl&p.ć,
* Cmtmi md Northom Stmiftwm B&.igkJm, Cmtmt Bmmmy md
* $pm<n md P&rtitg&L
* S&uth&m Germmy, Northom It-Mf, Smsihmstam Frme&.-md Austria,
* $My e nd.
* N&dfmrn Getmmy, Ś?© datH&timds, Bwtkzm Baigmm, h&md, Hotway, Fintami and Dmmark,
These studres did not consider countries of the Central and Eastern Europę. In present time they play an Important role in processes of the European economic integration and present challengee for Western companies enterlng their markets.
Based on the common features of historie background, geographical Eocation, culture and consumer habtts we can distinguish between Centra! European cłuster, South ~ East European cfuster and Baitic States. Of course, thereare stili certain interna! differences wlthm such roughly defined clusters.