Photo h\ t-irkni WrAi. I.omian, II C l
Liii <»ii vour back acrms a bcx i *o ihai all of the lep and lite hu u orki arc banking over the edge of the hed with the fcet on ihc floor. (Mace ihc arm* dmvn by the »ide». palm* downuardt on the bed. Kccping tlić kners hraerd. mc* pointcd and leg* together, takc the leg* to a position forming an nn^lc of al>out 45 degrees to the prrpcndicular nu ihnwn in photo, thetj lowcr again to the ttarting podtinu Repcat n* many linie* a o possiblc up to 14 repetition*.
ADYANCED OEGRKE Imtead of ju»: rabing the leg* to the poMium dctcńbcd oborę, bring them from the floor right up and <»\ct to touch the hed with the toc* lichitul you. He »urc co kecp alt the back Hat on the bed for IkiiIi dekret* and kecp the lep together and ttruight* When rcally pro* licicnt at thi* cxcrri*cf wcar a pair of heary »hoc* to incrcasc the rcsisuncc. Breathe out whtbt rauiing the leg* and in whil»i lowcring them. Make the raising and lowcring vcry dow and iteady for the casier dcgrcc but quickcn the movcmcnt for the ailranccd dcgrcc.
MUSCLES US£D Kectus, ilio-pioas. ob!iquc», tmn*vcr*u».