13. Social Activities
Ali the participants of the Conference and persons accompanying them were invited to the Reception and a stage show "Summer Festival in Japan" held at the Imperial Hotel in the evening of July 11.
In the evening of July 15, at Tokyo Kaikan, some 850 registrants attended the Banąuet and a cocktail party which preceded it.
The Ladies' Programs during the Conference are briefly summarized in the programs of the Conference given in this volume on pages 45 to 50.
14. Post Conference Tours
As announced in Bulletin No. 1 and also in Bulletin for Post Conference Tours, twelve courses had been prepared for the Post Conference Tours by the Organizing Committee for yisiting sites of geotechnical interest and for touring historie sites and places of natural beauties in Japan. Some of the courses were cancelled because of insuffi-cient number of applicants, and six courses of the Post Conference Tours took place. Ali tours were carried out successfully. The number of attendants to the Post Conference Tours are listed in Table 4.
Table 4
Seikan Undersea Tunnel |
(17-21 July) |
28 |
Landslide |
(16-21 July) |
59 |
Rockfill Dams |
(16-21 July) |
26 |
Kyoto and Nara |
(16-20 July) |
68 |
Hakone |
(16-17 July) |
13 |
Nikko |
(16-17 July) |
7 |
15. Finances
In addition to the registration fees and the earnings from the sales of the sets of the Proceedings, the Conference was financed by a grant from the Japanese Government through the Science Council of Japan; a grant from the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; and grants from con-tractors, consulting engineers, industries and others throughout Japan, as listed in this volume on pages 11 to 13 ; where the Organizing Committee records its thanks. Several government agencies and related agen-cies generously provided personnel, eąuipment and other services.
16. Secretariat
The Organizing Committee was served by Profes-sor A. Nakase, as secretary from August 1973 onwards; he was assisted by fuli time services of three members of the secretarial Staff of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, and also by his secretary from the Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Ten morę mem-
Le nombre des participants a ces visites techniąues est indiąud dans le tableau 3.
12. Expos i ti on
Pendant la durśe du Congres, une exposition technique a ete organisee dans les salles "Botan", "Kiku" et "Ran" de 1'hótel Impśrial; 39 societśs du monde entier y participdrent. Elles purent faire la demonstration du deve-loppement de leurs techniąues et de leurs eąuipements en Mdcaniąue des Sols. Les ma-chines d'essai avec traitement des donnees et la mśthode de construction des tunnels cl 1 *abri d'un bouclier 3 la boue ont attird plus particulidrement 1'attention des visi-teurs.
La Socićtś Japonaise de Mścaniąue des Sols et des Travaux de Fondations a tenu un stand oQ diffćrents livres traitant de la M§canique des Sols śtaient en vente. Un autre stand śtait reserve aux compte-rendus des Sessions Spćciales.
13. Rćception, Banquet et Programme des Personnes Accompagnantes
Les participants au Congres et les personnes accompagnantes furent invites a la reception et au spectacle "Festival d'śt£ au Japon" donnds a 1'hótel Imperial dans la soirśe du 11 juillet.
Dans la soirśe du 15 juillet, environ 850 participants assisterent au cocktail suivi du banąuet qui fut donn§ dans la tour Kaikan de Tokyo.
Le programme suivi par les personnes accompagnantes pendant la durde du Congrds est bri£vement rśsumd dans les programmes du Congres qui figurent dans ce volume, pages 45 £
14. Voyages Post-Congr£$
Comme annoneś dans le bulletin n° 1 ainsi que dans le bulletin pour les voyages post-con-gres, douze circuits furent preparśs par le Comitś d'Organisation, pour les voyages post-congres, afin de permettre aux participants de visiter des sites interessants sur le plan gdotechniąue et d'admirer des beautes naturel-les du paysage et des lieux historiąues du Japon. Certains de ces circuits durent etre annulśs par manąue d'inscription, et six vo-yages post-congrds furent maintenus et se dśrouldrent de manierę satisfaisante. Le nombre des participants aux voyages post-congrds est indiąue dans le tableau 4.
Tableau 4
Tunnel sous |
marin de Seikan |
(17-21 |
juillet) |
28 |
Glissements |
de terrains |
(16-21 |
juillet) |
59 |
Barrages en |
enrochements |
(16-21 |
juillet) |
26 |
Kyoto et Nara |
(16-20 |
juillet) |
68 | |
Hakone |
(16-17 |
juillet) |
13 | |
Nikko |
(16-17 |
juillet) |
7 |