figuring on the programme. A list of the Members attending the Conferencc and of the Reprcsentatives of the National Committees was attached to the Bulletin.
The Organizing Committec had undertakcn the publication of two first volumes of the Proceedings, to appear bcfore the Conference, and of a third volume to be published after the Conference.
The finał datę for presentation of papers, which had first been fixed for lst October 1952, was extended to Ist January 1953. Fifty-five papers were submitted by lst October, the total number of the Papers amounted to one hundred and seventy-four on lst January. Since the authors had often failed to comply with the stipulations of Bulletin No. 1, the prepara-tion for publication (re-drawing of figures, editing, correspon-dcncc) proved much morę time-consuming than expected. Each Paper is preceded by a summary in both Conferencc languages.
The first volume of the Proceedings was ready in April 1953. It contains 97 Papers pertaining to Sessions 1-4. The sccond volume which followed in May 1953 contains the 57 Papers for Sessions 5-8 as well as the 8 General Reports (Table 1).
Fig. 5 Mr. M. Buisson during his Discussion M. M. Buisson pendant sa discussion
Le troisiemc tomc comprcnd, outre le programme du Troi-sieme Congres, la listę des participants et des hótes d’honneur, les conferences faites au debut de chaque seance, le texte inte-gral de la discussion telle qu’elle s’est deroulee dans chaque section, les complements a la discussion presentes par ecrit jusqu’au ler octobre 1953 et, finalement, le proces-verbal des seances du Comite executif.
Les trois volumes reunis comptent 1244 pages.
Les Comptes Rendus furent tires en 1750 exemplaires ce qui correspond au nombre dłexemplaires des Comptes Rendus du Deuxieme Congres vendus jusqu’au printemps de 1953. Jus-qu’a ce jour, mars 1954, 1200 exemplaires ont ete vendus et 60 ont ete distribues gratuitement a des personnes ayant col-labore a 1’organisation du Congr&s.
Une listę de termes techniques releves dans les memoires fut etablie par le Secretariat; ces termes furent traduits, soit en anglais, soit en franęais et en allemand. Le Comite d’organi-sation se saisit de cette occasion d’exprimer ses remerciements aux nombreux collaborateurs qui Pont soutenu dans cette tache. Les termes ainsi groupes furent publies sous la formę d’un opuscule qui fut remis a chaque participant au Congres.
Fig. 6 Conference Members Leaving the Boat at Rapperswil Congressistes dcsccndant du bateau a Rapperswil
Table 1 Papers and Discussions Contained in Volumes I-III
Memoires et discussions contenus dans les volumes I-III
No. |
Country Pays |
Papers Mi- moires |
Pages in vols. I-II Pages dans les vols. I-II |
Pages per Paper Pages par me-moire |
Discussions vol. III |
Austria - Autriche |
3 |
14 |
4,7 |
_ | |
Australia - Australie |
2 |
10 |
5,0 |
— | |
Belgium - Belgique |
3 |
22 |
7,3 |
1 | |
Brazil - Brćsil |
6 |
33 |
5,5 |
1 | |
Canada |
6 |
28 |
4,7 |
5 | |
Cu ba Czechoslovakia - |
— |
— |
— |
1 | |
Tchćcos!ovaquic |
I |
6 |
6,0 |
1 | |
Denmark - Danemark |
2 |
8 |
4,0 |
4 | |
Egypt - Egypte |
2 |
12 |
4,0 |
2 | |
Finland - Finlande |
1 |
7 |
7,0 |
— | |
France |
25 |
132 |
5,5 |
14 | |
Germany - Allcmagne Great Britain, Ireland - |
6 |
28 |
4,7 |
7 | |
Gdc Brctagnc, Irlandc |
22 |
116 |
5,3 |
15 | |
India - Inde |
8 |
33 |
4,2 |
4 | |
Indonesia - Indonesie |
2 |
9 |
4,7 |
— | |
Israel |
1 |
4 |
4,5 |
6 | |
Italy - Italie |
I |
4 |
4,0 |
3 | |
Japan - Japon |
7 |
29 |
3,6 |
1 | |
Jugoslavia - Yougoslavie |
1 |
4 |
4,5 |
4 | |
Mexico - Mexique |
1 |
6 |
6,0 |
2 | |
Netherlands - Pays-Bas |
9 |
58 |
6,4 |
9 | |
Norway - Norvege |
3 |
12 |
4.0 |
2 | |
Poland - Pologne |
— |
— |
— |
1 | |
Portugal Southern Rhodesia - |
1 |
4 |
4.0 |
7 | |
Rhodesia du Sud |
— |
— |
— |
1 | |
Spain - Espagne |
2 |
11 |
5,5 |
2 | |
Sweden - Sućde |
4 |
11 |
2.8 |
3 | |
Switzerland - Suisse Union of South Africa - |
8 |
30 |
3,7 |
7 | |
Union Sud-Africaine |
2 |
12 |
4,0 |
2 | |
U.S.A. |
25 |
116 |
4,8 |
21 |