62731 TME5

62731 TME5

Legion of the Unliving

The unticad are on the march!



The Legion of the Unliving are foes of the Avenc;ers, their ranks madę up of deccascd heroes and villains brought together by outside entities. Legion members havc variously appeared as duplicates or animated zombies and, most disturbingly, havc included former Avengers. KanG the Contpieror. allied with Immoutus, asscmblcd the original Legion. Scouring the timestream, Kang brought together Frankenstein^ Monster, Midnight, Flying Dutchman, villain-turncd-hcro Wonder Man, Baron Zemo and the heroie HumanTorch.


1 Wonder Man 2 Midright

3    RwonZemo

4 Hijm    Ton •

5    * yhg Outchman

6    Frankensteins Monster


Dcspite their combincd powers, Kangs Logion failed to dcfcat tlu* Awngers. and Immorrus—after dcfcadng

the turncoat Kang—restored the Legion members to their proper places in the timestream.

The second Legion ol'the Unlieing eame about througli the efłorts ot*the Granpmaster, who raised such łigures as Bucky B.ARNkN. the SWORDSMAN. CaPTAIN MaR-Vf.I I. KoRVAC. I )racui a, and the Rkp Guardian to guard"life bombs” that threatened to wipe out the universe.As the Avengers struggled to thwart tlie Gr.indmasters scheme, their slain members joined the ranks of the Legion of the Unliving. Fortunately, all the Avengers returned to life after the resolution of the crisis.


1 Swordsman 2 fskjhtfwwk 3 Execuboner 4 Tenax S Hyperion 0 Crocn Gobln 7 Korvac 0 Death Adder 9 Dracuta 10 Bucky Bames 11 Rfack Kmght 12 Ghom.' V.v 13 Banin Blood 14 Drax tho Dcstrcyor 15 Hod Guardian


Master of time travel FRANKENSTEINS MONSTER

Enhanced strength, damage resistance.

BARON ZEMO (Heinrich Zemo)

Extended longevity. brilliant criminal mind.

WONDER MAN Fbght. enhanced strength, body suffused with ionic energy. HUMAŃ TORCH (Jim Hammond)

FHght, flame project ion.

FLYING DUTCHMAN Project ion of energy blasts. MIDNIGHT Master martiai artist.



Legion of the Unliving


Avengers Vol. 1 Ul31 (January 1975)


1    :".xi Mar. (Amo Stark)

2    Grim Bea^r

3    Swordr.mj'

4    Left-Wioyo.-

5    RigMt-Winger

6    Ood the Lroryj Comot

Never Say Die

A third Legion included such notable figures as the Grim Rfapfr, the Biack Kniciit (Nathan Garrett), and Toro. Thcy were gathered by linmortus in order to help him t apture the ScARm Witch.

Following Immortuss failure. the undead Grim Keaper gained additional power (roni the demon Lloigoroth and gathered a fourth version of the Legion of the Unliving. Grim Rcapers Legion included copies of eillains such as t oi nt Nil aria and Im i rno. but the team once aga i u met defcat in battle against the Avengers.

The fifch Legion of the Unlieing were once morę pawtis >1 the Grim Keaper against thcAve»gers. It consistcd of tlu- deeeascd heroes Captain Mar-Vell, Doctor Druid, Hu ii at. MiK KiNcaiiRD. Swordsman, Wonder Man. and fi iundfrstriki-. (Kric Masterson).The Scarlet Witch used her powers to send the spirits of this Legion into the ifterlife, and her love for Womler Man restored him to life. I. ikewise, Wonder Man restored his brother the Grim Keaper to fuli physical hcaltli, thus ending his threat. DW



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