When .1 sufficien: quannty hasbeen prupared, space them apart with a needle inserted through the smal! hole in the centrę. Flowe: petals should never overlap, and because they will rake up moro space when pressed flar it is wurth !eaving a litlle morę space between them than seems slriclly necessary.
When pressing cup or saucer shapes in the sideway position, !eave the tubę in place. These can be trimmed away once the flower has dried. Some arrangers use a two-thirds position by pladng a head in the sideway pnsition and then folding back a portion of the upper petals, but the straighl linę which is folded through the cenlre is inclined to look unnatural, espcdally on largo: floweis.
Flutes and trumpets (fip. 2,la, 3.3.1) Nellles, Ground Ivies and some species of wid Orchid have tubular-b3sed tmmpet flowtts which um be coaxed from their braci s by careful handling. When pressed sideways, the fluted lips will form elegant trumpet shapes but, when pressed fadng upwards, they are inclined to look squat and somewhat sauashed. Smali shapes liku these should be arranged in rows facing in one direction with the top 0/ the
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