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without inflicting the slightest injury upon my heart, is because I have always from childhood paid strict attention to correct respiration.

For Women to Remember

If only half the time tliat is now spent in dressing, or in curling and other ruination of the hair, was devoted to a sensible care of the body, there would be fewer unhappy marriages and fewer unsatis-factory children. This Yale of Tears would become a Paradise. AU women wish for beauty, harmonious proportions, and a good figurę, but possibly not one in a hundred of them knows what thcse really consist of, and tliat the only means of aequiring them—and in the case of oldcr women, keeping them—is a daily bath, rubt>ing the skin, and all-round bodily exercise, together with fresh air and sunshine.

The prescnt generation of grown-up women is doubtless almost past praying for. But perhaps. ladies, for your daughters' sakes. it may interest you to know that in twenty years' time men will have advanced so far in knowledge and appreciation of Hygiene, that they will no longer rest content with compassionating the woman who has madę havoc of herself by wearing a corset (even if she have not tight-lacedi and high heels, but they will dub it stupidity, sloyenliness, and idleness on her part to go about in a corset and neglect her daily bath and exercise. It will be an exccedinglv uncomfortable position for a ncwly married woman to tind herself in ii her husbaud has to point out to her how Iow she stands in the scalę of cieilisation. as regards the care of her health and beauty, and, baldly stated. her cleanliness, beneath her out ward finery. A woman who leaees off her corset is, howeeer. in ill case if she does not get something else in its stead to keep her warra and hołd her body upright and together. Warmth comes ąuickly enough when the skin is awakened out of its lethargy by the bath and rubbing exer-cises Medical books State that musclcs which will support the body gradually derelop of themsclves. if the corset be left off, but these musclcs, it is true, make their appearance very slowly or not at all, unless one performs excrcises, such as thosc 1 have indicated, which are specially calculated to produce them, and with the help of which one can aerjuhe a " muscular corset '* in a few months The secret of the beautiful figures of the fcmale statues of antiquity lies in the fact that they all possess a corset of this kind in licu of the modern expensive, ugly. penshable, uncomfortable, and unhealthy substitute.

'' But we really have not time !"

Yes ! you have ! The morę you have to do, the better you will understand how to arrange your time so that there will be one quarter of an hour to spare. And when you liave once properiy begun you will look forward eagerly every day to this quarter of an hour and especially to the extraordinary agreeable sensation that the rubbing produced all over the body.

It stands to reason that women, at certain times. should omit the fuli bath and the exercises demanding most exertion, and should content themselves with the easiest of the rubbing exercises.

This plea of lack of time very seldom indeed holds good, when you come to enquire morę closely into matters. Many mothers declare that they have no time to bathe themsehes and their children every day. to do exercise with them, brush their teeth, see that their bowels work properiy, get them out in the fresh air in all weathers, etc., but the same


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