78504 KIF82

78504 KIF82



rcad °nr<»

10 "ngi. ,l! mcjjj

bcforc ł,,6» and P*cors » smali, l^/oin.

Row i: Wini.

2 m (2'A ydi, i, thc shuttle atu f,envc n 2 u length of tłustaning cach in: kccp thc joiiun; bcrwern rings l.i Eąch ring hns *ł-.l;

4ds, p, 4ds, p, dds. Ile and cud o/Y. IY you arc t ar ring on a nccdlc, usc only a nccdlc

thrcad and start at thc frcc end.

Row 2: CTM: Wind a gcncrous 2.5 ni (2'A yds) of thrcad onto rhc shurric. Do not cul thc thrcad from the bali Thcrc arc 10 rings of Sdv, p, 8ds. Whcn tatting thc chains, try to kccp a medium tension so thąt thc>* arc almosr straighr. If your banglc is slighrly differenr in sirc from thc mcasurcmcnt givcn, you may need ro nrduce or incrcasc thc number of ds on thc chains. Tar I Ods, join ro thc pico: of 3 ring in Row I. lOds. If you wish, add a sccd bcad to thc pkot whcn nuking this join. Rcfcr to Mcrhod 3 on page 17. Cominue thc panem. Tic and end off. Kccp the spare thrcad on your shutiic, hm chcck that its length is at least 3 ttmes thc circumfercnce of thc banglc. Błock thc star so it will lit inside rhc banglc, and so thc points are at regular distanccs apart.

Row 3: Using thc crochct hook, altach thc bali thrcad to thc banglc. and immediateły join in one of thc outer rings of thc star. Crochct around thc metal banglc, joining in ehe remaining outer rings at appropriatc interva!$. Do not end off nor cut thc thrcad oncc you havc compłctcly covercd the banglc.

Row 4: Discard thc crochct hook for thc moment. Join in thc thrcad on thc shuttłc and then tai thc chains around thc outsidc of thc crochct, attaching them with shuttle join* at appropriatc intcrvals (3 per space bctwccn rings). End off.

Attach a hanger and a tasseł, and place thc dccoration on vour trcc, or in a position where thc hreczc will make it rotatc.





^hel hook









Margutrltt doiły

The indusion of solid tatccd squarcs adds a differenr rcxrurc ro this lace doiły. Refer to Tntred Squares on pnge 22.

*Wltilc you may choosc any rhickncss of thrcad, the piece illustratcd was worked in No. 20 corton and is 28 cm (11 inches) wide. liach hcxagonal morif in rhis design can be tatted CTM, if you so wish. Using No. 20 thrcad, you will rcquirc 2.75 m (3 yds) on Sh.l and 3.75 m (4 yds) on Sh.2. Otherwise, just fili both shuttlcs and make a join as you stan each ncw inotif.



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