(Fig. I2cl Tk so-cafled Mad'ao«c»-VMi>i pat-the \krava. tbe Hbe to Snony, ad atopg te OderT A, *i Cot««. Jędnd»»vt| id Lw« Siteu al I nnt tluitngh dK Koscoa region (Proaawoi We HidncliaK «»the Met Wam ttń, «fckk may be S flora Am period discomed a Staponów |Stjic»4:
I res oprze tbsi ibe na ojElba and tbe Saak bMM»Ł fUC cenirc. especialh in tbe northera part of (be aren ocli abo iniiuenceć norio of tbe high density UC rangi Bip»sa«ed mctws faun włucfc connibuied to aw-idoą Kluch people travdled canymg m cułnnl potłeras niska, bor are many bacn ad coodmoos (Dotao-r% łl-Ul; Brkz 1996) caafiributiag to the cuknral scencry e^.
■te Obra with its minor tribwaries and wsde penote Mndnions to lra«I and transport lara; am<xmtsofeoods i ^^^Hbpmti' dy sbaliow and wide-spread men 6dk) (Bat-“ «; ITOt kumatowski 1963: 181-217; 196$ 1$'-19’. 1992: Wędzki 1987) wbat may be proved by rr****1 bones *bck ■■ tent kt skaies (Siiska 2001). The rnenoooed geognpbral bc-nSHptepencr ■ terms of the influence on tbe human actmły in the -tefluaneii The way h was perceńcd was imporani to the spam: 111H »ea penetrated by a gjven group Another signtficant demer.! -tsiHpHiI cooditkrns (in order fbr a route to emsrge there tnust be ®s;^U*Męle wbo have strong economic foundanoos. produring htgh -4kb Ir offer something \aluable to the neighbouring senktnents an ar||pittBealfui|ist's workshop flora Bruszczewo). Soeial and po-«nuiB ajully tmportant, fint of all creatmg social-poltncal stractures * *mMIMUe pdhect that field of activity. to profil flora it and to devckp antp toreb (tbe linear anangement of the bnrrows in Łęki Małe may 'Mt^^Hukanficanon in tbe cominunity inhabińng the middłe Obra ba-^^■pnid of the Bronze Age (Czebreszuk 200?)). The course of the 6 aHflBb nays in the social consciousness fbr a long time and pb>s cotntnunit\ - culti\ated generanon after generabon.« bat '*dtei Burszta in bis ethnographic rescarch (Burszta 1966: 651 686. H Raptom siu 2002:247-259).
- 4<d|b^ffiplBtBsed that the existing research alłows in a «cn sligbt jtef te “Froto-Undace'- tnaterols Only in tbe ctassical stage
_■bqr be carrtcd out, however, only within a spherc of p»t
O^Mterband. fbr the post-classical stage only scoktnent matenal was !dflue bem of the asailabk materiał, numerous smulanucs were no-ras tncludcd to the UC occurrence aren - as wcil as many ■Mb Dr IG hu Wt enogenous featuces, on the basis of which we may