86886 Pennyrthing

86886 Pennyrthing


Pcnny-farthing Hicycle    Vintagc Transport Kit

Top pcitJSe Out ai a in at b Out al c in at d Out at a in at d Out at c m at b Out at c tn at f Comptclc the other peddk in the san»c wiy

Iftcsc panem Jctoils should bc usctl in conjunclion wilh the Form-A-l.inc* General Instruction sheet.

“Oul at ..." mcans brinjt ihe needk from the bock of ihe work through lo the front.

“In at..." nieam lukc the nccdk from the right side of the work tlmnigh to the bock.

()n many scclions of this design somc hoks arc used nuirc than onec.

IłjfKłkhan Out at (i in 3( Ił Out at I in at J Out at II in 31 K Out 31 O in at 1 Continuc lim icqucncc until compktc. Each bole ij uioJ lwice.

Franc I

Out ai L m at M

Out at N in at O Out at P in at O Continuc liii* scqucacc to the hub of the brge whcci at X.

Franie 2 Out at R in at $

Out at T m at U Out at V in at W Continuc this scqucncc to Y on the imali whecl.


Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Out at 7 in at R Out at 2 in at 9

Spoko (largc whcci) Out at A in at B Out at C in alO Out at E in at F Continuc this *cqucncc until the i|>oko arc ciunpłctc

I aigc l>ic Uil at I m at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 m at 6 Cmii muc lh«s scqucncc until the lyre u compłctc bach hole iv uicd lwice.

Spokci (smali whcci) Out at A in at li Out at C in at l>

Out at fc iii at I-ContimK this scquctKC until the tpokes arc compktc

Snuli l)f«

(Xit at I inat2 Out at 3 m al 4 Out al 5 m at h Continuc this wqucncc until tlictyic « contplcle. Łach hołc »i uicd lwice.

Iheit Fom-A-Linc* inilnictkm arc cnpyrigN C 2000 DJ DeiigM and ina> not be rcpruduccd wttmut pcnmwtoa PuMiUied b> Card tn>puaiioni reuw Mdl Fana Tewia Ikm At.6 0lL.UK lei limX7|7iKMl| A\ Ul U* 717477


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