

Fo rm-hes

Snów ma n

Christmns Kit 5


Out al A in at B OulalCin al D Out at B in at F Conlimic tliis scijucncc unlil ccmplclc.

Ali liolcsare uscd lwice.


Out al I in at 2 Oul al 3 in al -i Out at 5 in al O Conlinuc Ihis sc<|ucncc unlil compłctc.

Thesc patiem dctails should lic uscd in conjunction willi ihc General Instructions al tlić back of ihis booklcl.

“Oul al..." nicans bring Ihc nccdlc from tl*c b3ck of ihc work Ihrough lo the front.

“in al...” mcans lakc Ihc nccdlc from Ihc right >idc of Ihc work tluough to the back.

On many scclions of this design soinc holes arc jscd morc Ihan oncc.

I Im brim Oul al I in al J Slitch lwice.


Oul at K in al L Oul al M in at N Conlinuc lliis scqucncc unlil complctc.


Out al O in al P Oul at Q in al Ił Conlinuc lliis sojucncc unlil coniplclc.

The aintt siwe son>c holcs willi Ihc body. Slitch llic ollier ami in n siinilar way.


Oul al S in al T Out al U in al V Conlinuc lliis scqucn<c to out at W in al X. Stitch Ihc olhcr leg in a similar way.


Oul al I in al 2 Oul al 3 in al 4 Conlinuc unlil conipłctc.

Eyes, nosc and bultous Add Ihc bcads where indicalcd.

Copyright O 1999 DJ Designs Piihlishcd by Cml Inspiralions


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