88126 ZOIOMOE RYHO Princess of Egipty (2)

88126 ZOIOMOE RYHO Princess of Egipty (2)

Ilpiiimecca ErwiiTa Princess of Egypt

Haoop zi.ih bi.huM BaIIHH KpecTOM 35 x 41 cm. ( 250 x 296 kjictok) JJinaiiłiep EceiioBa lliuitpa.

Ciejiaiio b Pocciiii POOH “Coniiajibiioe ACHCi Biie” 117588, r. MocKBa, TapyccKaH yji.18/1, toi:(495) 421-57-44,423-81-70. (J>aicc:(495) 423-52-00 MłioroKaHajibłibiH Teji:(495) 967-15-47

http://www.rukodelie.ru e-mail:social@com2coin.ru

Counted Cross Stitch. Design by Indira Esenova.

Design size 14”x 16.4”(35 x 41 cm) approx.

“SOCIAL ACTION” 18/1, Tarusskaya str., Moscow, 117588 Russia. Telephone:(495)967-15-47,421-57-44,423-81-70, fax:(495)423-52-00

B naóop GKiiouaemcH ece neo6.xodu\ioe d.ift ezo ebiuiueanuH - kohgci np-ea ZWEIGART (Tepuanwi), uzna, wicmpyKipuł no ebiiuueanuto, Mynuue np-ea MADEI RA (TiepManm).

Contains a i Ja ( ZWEIGART), needle, em broi Jery threaJ ( MADEI RA ), Jesign chart anJfull instruction.


OparMeHT Jft 5. Fragment jVs 5.

riopazioK pa3MemeHHH (j)parMeHTOB cxeMbi

OparMeHT JN* 1. Fragment M 1.

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OparMeHT .V® 2. Fragment A® 2.

OparMeHT JT* 3. Fragment Jft 3.

OparMeHT Jft 4. Fragment Ys 4.

OparMeHT jY® 6. Fragment X* 6.

Opar.MCHT Jft 7. Fragment JV® 7.

OparMeHT .V® 8. Fragment X® 8.

OcirpciaHicri.iiaiif.toK! IlaCopu hhiihiiiciim iai«i patiu j«im

Rr a-arrful nf ■ iHiulrc(ril ' I lir nriainiłl Lii i« nraln-lrd willi . I...t..i.r.m

CnucoK 3hmko6 ójih oceMbi. tlpuHąecca Ezunma. Apm. A-001 Ust ofscheme signs. Princess of Egypt A-001


BiniMaiiiic ! BbiiiiHBai b KpecTOM b 2 hhth ! Attention ! You have to embroider with 2 threads!

1    0 JLU

2    51 3360 04- 3Sr

3 ® 3£T6 4-6 ®3d 7-8 [g] 3862.

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b Kpec i OM B 4 HHTH !

Attention ! You have to embroider with 4 threads!

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b/cse 0/>,CL


78-80 S42D





31    m

32    gg 3S6tL*Z#6l

33    El ?t<31-631. 34-35 El 33? 36-39 5) 338

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41    @ 936

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33 Ś2

Ciwememie UBeroB ( rio 1-oii hhth Kaw/ioro UBera) Blending is accomplished by using 1 ply 0f each cołour.

/»*/ <r3.6V    9o9

JVa(8t-84) + JVa(85-88) ffl


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