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Hoogstraal, H., Heyneman, D., Dietlein, D. R., Browne, H. G., Reid, T. P. Jr., Van Peenen, P. F. D., Saber, A. H. & Rohrs, L. C. Leishmaniasis in the Sudan Republic. 8. Epidemiological findings. — Buli WHO, 28 (2): 263-265.

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Hoogstraal, H. & Kohls, G. M. Bat ticks of the genus Argas (Ixodoidea, Argasidae). 5. Description of larvae from Australian and New Guinea Carios-group popu-lations. — Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 87 (3): 275-280.

Hoogstraal, H. & Trapido, H. Haemaphysalis sihafelis sp. n., a parasite of the jungle cat in Southern India (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). - J. Parasitoi, 49 (2): 346-349.

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Hoogstraal, H. & Trapido, H. Haemaphysalis kutchensis sp. n., a common larval and nymphal parasite of birds in northwestem India (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). — J. Parasitoi, 49 (3): 489-497.

Hoogstraal, H. & Traub, R. The fleas (Siphonaptera) of Egypt. Host-parasite relationships of Lagomorpha (hares). - J. Egypt. Public Health Assoc., 38 (5): 243-246.

Trapido, H., Hoogstraal, H. & Varma, M. G. R. Redescription of the holotype and description of all stages of Haemaphysalis turturis Nuttall and Warburton from Ceylon and India (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). - J. Parasitoi, 49 (4): 678-685.

Hoogstraal, H., Trapido, H. & Rebello, M. J. Haemaphysalis paraturturis sp. n., a camivore parasite of the H. turturis group in India (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). — J. Parasitoi, 49 (4): 686-691.

Trapido, H. & Hoogstraal, H., Status of Haemaphysalis bispinosa var. intermedia Warburton and Nuttall, 1909, next available name for H. parva Neumann, 1908 (preoccupied) (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). - J. Parasitoi, 49 (4): 691-692.

Hoogstraal, H. & Kohls, G. M. Observations on the subgenus Argas (Ixodoidea: Argasidae, Argas). 6. Redescription and biological notes on A. lagenoplastis Froggatt, 1906, of Australian Fairy Martins, Hylochelidon ariel (Gould). — Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 65 (5): 577-582.


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