Unrestricted autonomy is not possible to achieve in any of our life spheres: it is limited by social, legał norms and traditions.
Lack of unlimited autonomy is also related to the process of learning: one of the most important reason is that students are supposed to be prepared to work on their own. Teachers need to show their students what kind of materials and techiques they may use so as to make them achieve their (language) goals.
Access to various electronic sources (the Internet) has become easier which enables teachers to become tutors and consultants.
A teacher, therefore, should be able to:
- solve a variety of problems without help
- find sources which constitute a basis for their position
- use optimal forms and techniques of their work
- assess outcomes of their work
Autonomization' is a long-term process and this is why it should begin in early childhood
The term is usually associated with students of fine arts academies and is commonly understood as an evidence of a learning process: currently, it is also related to learning foreign languages
The Council of Europę has issued a document which provides several criteria for language knowledge.
'Portfolio' is a set of documents which constitute an individual documentation of a learner's progress. It is a way to self-control and assessment.
'Portfolio' and learners autonomy:
a) it makes learners responsible for their assessment
b) is encourages learners to gather their outcomes (written works, etc.) and formal certificates
Portfolio' may be an element of teaching at very early stages of language learning.
Features of the portfolio:
a) it is a personal property of learners
b) it is related to the learning process of ALL foreign languages
c) it goes far beyond one school subject
d) it includes to the process of learning which takes place in and outside the classroom
e) it may be associated with a variety of intercultural experiences
f) it contains elements of self-assessment as well as school marks and other formal (certificates, school reports) and informal elements (descriptive evaluation of language knowledge)
g) it is an eyidence of the process of learning i) it should be used in all stages ot language learning
6. Two main functions of the portfolio:
a) educational
b) presentational
7. What does the portfolio consist of?
1. The language passport.
2. Documentation related to the process of language learning
3. Materials and other outcomes of learners' work.
It shows the level of language knowledge and is related to the following skills:
- listening
- reading
- communication
- ability to deliver speeches
- writing
The language passport is a document which numerous additional elements. The first page should contain a learneris photograph and their personal details such as:
- surname
- name
- datę of birth
■ mother's name
- father's name
- my pet
-1 live in...
- I learn...
During the learning process, learners complete the passport with further pieces of information. In the early stages of learning, we should make learners accustomed to completing the document with their own achievements. However, at the beginning it is a teacher's role to prepare all documents.
It should consist of certificates and school reports and include:
- personal history of language learning
- references to six levels of language knowledge according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
It is a learners personal property; it is he or she who decide whether to show it to others or not. It is their decision how to collect necessary materials and which materials should be included. They may ask their teachers for help, however, no teachers are allowed to browse through the dossier.
Materials may be used in a variety of language contests.