ii i vi-
skills - comprehensiyę approach
... . 111 1 H t^r?>uj\ Mi mućć es) ilS—
silent process of input , ss are expdfeed tor V nf(J 6.'^
p€ntd k (fartlip S&*( cceintknit
The T must draw ss attention to input - giving ss £.%n\>d
. , . . . , idt 1/b tl <V
not grammatically seąuenced .. JT
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M itify) óluAIo łifflf
hypothesis formation and testing
comprehension tasks relevant
of competence . ^t) ^ (J
2) communicative strategy - Ł>ased on the teaching
----" ' ‘ &*■ oWrdhĄ buJatcS /\eiM JltAA oJĄw/rfis
of communication ( the emphasis on fluency and
not accuracy ) .
interesting , slightly abovę £he level
Ss understand and produce. - both receptive and
Gci*? ’-y^ ^ ‘ /TvU->is^ ■ »2^łi
productive skills r
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of hypothesis formation and testing )
3 yjtadirćiljr? i A tf
3) reconstructive strategy - ss reconstructj,
tydectbcć <£tr 3 '^.•j_££ńn<____:v-
Eaoh class starts with the text ( 'source text jji_
paraphrase the original text
written or spoken j Ali the tasks are related to
source text and based on it ( focus on grammar -
grammatical correctness . Accuracy is morel important - ss can't use communicative strategies (because it means that they can't express something grammatically ) - ss pay attention to formal aspects of the language -grammar .
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pi&iuow * ‘ ?tch