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WiuHumMi-Mm MmmmIm* J uf |Ujff PuIhm |M74, /Hi fltf* 2- 41

I llf|*«    PftfMHlfM • PIlfMMUl ł /O Mllll ( llUW flU lllłllllll!** 10. mul

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mM IommMimum*    Ilu iiiu |#m« • i Omni PfuilttiefM»» w»'»» uf KoMrtcK*# lu lyp*i

*MM »l»^ *’*mm»I "|"-mMmu i W wmm |Mol. INI, fiu 1,4), I limu* mm* wulhłtiiOWH fnuu I |o*im< i    II u litu IIftłfMtl) fluiU, mul mi* rtfhirwłiw l#u klit|i front i30n«e*0»

ul Mu* MulMimi |u*m»mI Im f mmii tul, Mu* %i»Im pMu <w Im mm Pluimili ** wm »ł of lvp«* Ul* wllh f )*<*•*■ umnmimM iipuHMHpiiM<i<I<ivu |iMiv IM, Mu /, i) I MUiv|h*. Mi Mion/uUf Imiii, In

hbfHNMMlU^ Hf MU I UM*t** Willi tli li IlDtU NfNt

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iMmkM Im Mm M4 (Otlułmll)i IVi V (HHlIUlflM), mi Ilu* luli* I Iffltleltl period (MOHikhiIi HhH' IIIM1I4M mmMIm‘Ii lliui Ilu*IV|U* vuiiMiuimlIllUMbeyotulMui UfllfUrid )H»t Mul (MMII, mii Mi Mmi m MummmhumUmii i ImMHm p Mi) Illf *ldf*plte*ft Mom I eti|*!iMd »«*. mmi tll^MliMfii Mmi* t *1*1*1, )mmiiiiiuMIv, Mi Ilu* Mil* l Miłfielil ’ 11010*1 \

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4 NlllHM

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toirl) t*** m    W l»hł\ »h>M łv *•**'«>»> RM    |Mm.mw»m,

h,»H* *    I I    •*«**' tewa <R»‘    MMMMmwsł

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1R'MM *M m m*Ms<    H'*"' »Wv\ \VRS *w«vMW<

wWmw-wH^'    i1* !',m ^|MN««viwAl**a*<pwśw

W M» V R    R \ \vhRVNW|

(«Wk m| M S mM»»' VV<? rtMMyl ,*.■«    whwn-Rh    m R\<swy*f

IfulUtiiU/clt ImI, mttgeii dicGriibcr von Fldrshoim.... und Wachenbuchcn.... verdeutli-chon«). Tlić ruzor from Endlngen also cumc from an in-urned fiat cremation grave; ttpart from the ru/.or and the urn with funncl-shoped rim, conical neck and graphite-piilntcd dccorutlon on Che Nhouldcr, the gravc contained two pottery dishes (Jockenho-vel 1971, pl. HIC; Klnimlg and Kuf 1950, pl. 43). Kimmig and Ruf emphasised the Ntrong Urnlleld (rndltions of the pottery from Endingen, and compared it with finds from ii niimher of other urn-gruvcN (Munzingcn, Ricgcl, Freiburg-St. Georgen: ibid. 1950, 243-240). Both Fldrshcłm and Endingcn suggest that trapezoidal razors could be very carly In I Iii C. But the pottery from south Bnden and south Hessen requires further Mtudy bo Id io a morc preci.se chronology is possiblc.

In contriiNt, the ruzor from Fcldklrch-Harthcłm came from an inhumation burial and wmn iiNNOchited with the rcmalns of two pottery bowls and two lignite arni-rings (Jocken-|»Ovo! 1971, no, 573; Docckc 1928, 178-179 and fig. 80). The lignite arm-rings would nornuilly be dnted to l in I) or the end of Hu C, and could imply that the trapezoidal niżom contluucd In oso for u long timc. llowcvcr, it issuspicious that Feldkirch-Hart-helm sooios to be ii fcmnlc gravc, both according to the paired lignite arm-rings and nccordlng to a phy,sieni nnthropological study of the skclcton (Deecke 1928. 178). It is woli known that razom nrc gcncrally restrieted to nuile graves. and thisrazorcouldhave loNt (tu odginał ftmetion and becn deposlted as an amulet in a later female grave. Nwtml*graves wora otlcn pnwidcd with razors in the Jura and Burgundy regions of Fastom I Tance; the swonls, howcvcr, always being of the local long iron Magny-Lam-bert typa. Tht* Is uufortunate. making it impossible tocompareoursword horizons with the two clmmological phases of Ha C in the Jura roeognised by G. Wamser an eartier phaw with lUlndlingen iron and bron ze swords. and a later phase with tbe long iron Magny-I amhcH typo(|9?5, 22-d2; OlMiS). Neverthcłess. it is interesting tosee that both In IhugmnK and the Jura. the tarom associated with the Magny-Lambert swords were ncvet ot the hupesoidal typc. but comprised scmi-lunate and handled two edged e\an\ples (Wamser 1975, pis 18. 5.tk 19. M.6-10; 2(1.3-9V

In the Not\Uc /one. trapezoidal rarorsare also tound in quantm. and bsvebcenused t\> detine a horison betowi Montelius IVr. Y and V! (Muller 1914.2$& Brohotm 1Q33. I.Y81.; MSfU Hoflftnann M38. 8; 4tMl; Baudou. bowever. indudes tbe trapezoidal taftom m his IYi. \ 1 Baudot!    U is theretore not unhkch thai both trapezokiai

ratom and sonie G&ndbngcn snoeds shuułd be assigncd to a borizon befdre the san ot

\ 1

1U COnehlSkin ahbongb the ass*vvarions ot trapezoidal rasom eacourage the fcdfef pi tbev OyYOpiod an borison in Ha C> tbe e>xk**ce is too scanty to ptoWAr rcbabie ansnw    tbeec is no reasoo wh> tbe wide <teaibitw« of sack tuostln^k

f'Vanve and tbe Nwdic **one w dl not in tbe futurę be cmnicbMi    furtbes ckssrd asseesa-

nwee coufwVut cvwKbaaons.



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